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They had is surrounded. No where to run. The leader named Gareth called out that we put our weapons now and enter the box car labeled A. "Okay now go to the boxcar in this order or the boy with the hat and the girl dies." Gareth yells. "Rick." Rick looks at me and Carl then turns and walks toward the boxcar. Once he reaches it and stands on the top step we all look at Gareth. "Daryl." Daryl looks at me with worry in his eyes I give him a nod before he walks towards Rick and stands on the second step. "Michone." Michone looks at us and walks over to the third step. "Carl." Carl grabs my hand and squeezes it looks at me and walks over and stands at the bottom of the steps. Once he's there I turn to look up at Gareth who is now right in front of me. "Now what should I do with you?" Gareth taunts stepping closer to me. "Bring her here....that's the deal." Rick demands. Gareth steps away and motions me to the boxcar. I give him a death glare as I walk towards Carl. "All of you go in and don't try to run because I have men surrounding you." Gareth yells as we enter one at a time as they shut the door behind us. Once it's shut we hear moving around in the corner. Then I see them. It's everyone! "Rick?" Glenn says as he steps into the light. I start to tear up as I run over to my step-sister Rosita and embrace her in a hug. "(Y/N)!" She yells as I cry into her neck. "I-I never thought I would see you again." I say pulling away from her. She grabs my face examining it. "It's okay I'm here now." Rosita says as I greet everyone else. "We need to figure out how to get out of here." A man named Abraham groans. After a few minutes of happiness the door opens. There stands Gareth and two other men with aprons and bats in there hands. "Okay let's see here..... Let's get Rick,Daryl,Glenn,and Bob and then we will get the four other from boxcar D." Gareth demands as I grab Daryl's arm. Me and Daryl have grown close ever since he found me as a very young child in a car on the highway when he was looking for a little girl named Sophia. He has been just like a father to me ever since. "Don't try anything or the boy with the hat and the girl die." Gareth taunts struggling to get them to cooperate. Daryl immediately stops as I reach up and kiss him on the forehead and give him a hug as Gareth pulls him away. As they shut the door I sit down with Rosita and talk about what all has happened. After awhile everyone starts to make hand held weapons out of wood and earrings and pretty much anything sharp in general. I go and sit by Carl as he's fidgeting with his hands. I have an arrow that Daryl gave me before they threw us in here that I hid behind my shirt. "Hey Carl." I say as I sit down beside him. "Hey (Y/N) how are you?" He asks looking up from his hands. "I could be better but I'm just happy we're all okay and that we found each other." I say intertwining our fingers together. Me and Carl have been dating for a really long time ever since the prison so we're pretty close. "I love you Carl." I say lying into his arms. "I love you too (Y/N) everything will be okay I will always have you by my side." He says ask fall asleep in his warm arms.......

Ik this was dumb

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