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for TWD_geek ❤️❤️❤️
lea's pov

it had been forever since anyone new had discovered this alexandria. i have been outside the walls searching for people everywhere with Aaron, but there is just no one. one day me and enid were helping Jessie run some errands and we see some commotion at the front gate. we ran up to the gate and saw Aaron approach the gate with several others behind him. i search  through the many people and one specific person catches my eye. it's a boy who looks around my age. he has on a flannel with jeans and boots. he has a sheriffs hat on and his eyes are sparkling blue. he's beautiful. i stand back and wait for Deanna to get done talking to them and they make their ways into their houses. Enid walks away agitated. I decide to go along with her to Ron's house because i have nothing else to do. I look back and see the boy looking over here and he she suddenly looks away, blushing. I turn my head back to Enid and she just shakes her head. We get to Ron's and only Mikey is in there. "where's Ron?" Enid asks walking over to the stack of comic books in the floor. "he went to talk to his mom or something." Mikey says looking at me. Mikey has always had a thing for me but I don't pay it any attention. Enid sits down on Ron's bed and starts reading. I decide to get one myself. I get one and sit cross legged on the end of the bed. Then I hear them. Ron and the boy from earlier. They walk into the doorway as Ron introduces everyone. The boy had showered and took the hat off. I keep looking at him, getting caught up in his eyes. But the only thing he is looking at is enid. The way he's looking at her hurts my heart. I look away, annoyed as he glances at me. I get up and run out of the house. As I'm walking down the street I see the man who looks like the leader of the group. He walks up to me with a small child. "Hello, im Rick and this is Judith. You are lea, right?" He says putting his hand out for me to shake. "Yes. Nice to meet you." I reply grasping his hand and shaking it gently. "Carl is my son, have you both met?" Rick asks letting go of my hand and putting it under Judith. "Yeah." I say looking away. "I know we have only known each other for about 45 seconds now but, do you mind watching Judith for a few minutes?" Rick asks looking at me. "No I don't mind." I say as Judith reaches for me I grab her in my arms. "Thank you lea. I'll be back soon. I told Carl to come help you so he should be here soon." Rick says as he turns and heads toward Deanna's house. I walk up the steps to the house he was previously at and sit down. I admire Judith. It's been ages since I've seen a child. She giggles and grabs strands of my maroon colored hair and plays with it. I smile at her and let her play with the strings on my sweatshirt. After a few minutes she gets sleepy. She lays her head on my shoulder and slowly gets more and more tired and falls asleep. I look up and see him, carl walking towards us. He comes up and sits beide me. "Hey, are you okay? I never got to talk to you before you left." He says. His voice leaving chills down my neck. "I'm fine. I'm lea, sorry I just. Ah it doesn't even matter." I say looking into his eyes. God they are so perfect. I just want to stare into them forever. "I'm sure my dad has probably already introduced me. But I'm Carl. How old are you?" He asks looking at sleepy Judith. "sixteen." I reply looking down at my dirty, black converse. "i am too.." he says his voice trailing off. "Listen lea, i really like you. I know you left because of the way I was looking at enid. I'm sorry about that. I just haven't seen any people my age in forever. But. I do like you." As he speaks my heart beats faster and faster. Then I feel his fingers touch mine and he wraps them together. "Thank you." I say my voice heavy. My heart is smiling and I can't keep my emotions in and I just smile. Things are better now. A lot better.

TWD_geek i hope that is okay for you. I haven't wrote in forever so sorry if it's bad.


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