agressive part two

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"We need to talk.....

Daryl's words made my heart stop. I looked at Carl and looked back at Daryl. I opened the door and Daryl walked inside. I closed the door and turned around. Daryl threw his bow down and sat on the couch. Me and Carl took a seat in the chair across from him. "Listen. This ain't none of my business...but in a way it is. I understand. You're horny teens who have needs. I get it. But if you're gonna screw around at least use protection. We can't risk havin another kid...or something worse." Daryl looks at Carl as he finishes that sentence. I grab Carl's hand and continue to listen to Daryl. "Now I could give two fucks if y'all wanna go around screwing but if I was you I would be just a little bit more quite. No wonder they didn't hear you all the way from Deanna's." Daryl says as I see carls face turn a light shade of pink. "Are you going to tell Rick?" I ask, hoping he will say no. "No..only because if I was your age I would do the exact same thing. And because it's the end of the world so why not let the kids have a little fun?" He says standing up. I walk over to Daryl and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you Daryl." I say as he gives in and hugs me back. He gives me a light kiss on the forehead and grabs his bow and heads out the door to Deanna's. I close the door behind him and lean against the door and let out a faint sigh. "I'm sorry y/n...i should have known we were being too loud." Carl says grabbing my hand. "Babe, its fine. Daryl had always been there for me. It's like I'm his little sister." I reply wrapping my arms around him. He hugs me back and pulls away. He's looking at my feet and I look down. There lays a pack of condoms at our feet. I grin and pick them up and walk up stairs to our room. I put them in a basket in the closet and walk back downstairs. I see Carl laying on the couch drifting to sleep. I straddle his waist and nuzzle my head into his neck. I pull a blanket over top of us and kiss his nose. He opens his eyes and smiles up at me. "Please don't ever leave me (y/n)." He says grabbing my waist. "Not a chance." I reply leaving down and kissing his soft lips. I pull away and put my head on his chest. Listening to his heart beat was the most relaxing and comforting thing. Just knowing that we are both alive and together, and happy makes me even more lucky to have him. I start to go to sleep when I hear people outside. I jump off carl quickly and run over to the kitchen carl grabs his hat off the  chair beside him and puts it on and gets a book from the shelf and acts like he's reading it. I grab a towel and start to dry dishes. The door opens and Rick,Daryl,Michonne, Glenn and Maggie walk inside. Rick goes and talks to Carl and Daryl comes over to me. "Did you put em away?" He grabs a cloth from the drawer. "Yes, and thank you again." I say putting the last dish away. "Yeah yeah." He says grinning as he walks away up to his room. Carl puts his book back and goes up stairs. I smile at Rick and he smiles back. I go over to Glenn on the couch (the same one me and Carl just fucked on) and sit beside him. He looks worried or something. "Glenn, what's wrong?" I ask crisscrossing my legs and turning towards him. Glenn is like my best friend and we tell each other everything. He looks around and then hands me a bra from under his bra. "Shit." I say, louder than expected. I grab it and put it under me. "I-I-uh.." i stutter. I hear footsteps coming down the steps. I grab the bra from under my leg and put it up my shirt. "I'll explain. Just don't say anything. Please." I whisper to Glenn before I head upstairs. I pass rick going down the steps and I hurry up to our room. I shut the door and turn around. "Carl!" I whisper shout. He comes out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist. "What is it?" He says running a towel over his head. "Glenn found this." I say pulling the bra from my shirt and throwing it in the corner. "Fuck." He says and throws the towel on the bathroom floor. "Glenn will understand. Maybe. I know Glenn. If we just get Daryl to talk to him maybe he won't say anything." Carl says walking over to me. "I just. I don't want rick to separate us. If he found out, what if he made us stop communicating, or-" I was cut off by Carl's lips crashing into mine. I kiss him back but pull away. "Carl. I'm serious. I don't want to lose you." I say wrapping my arms around him. He holds me close and puts his chin on top of my head. "You're never going to lose me baby girl... not now. Not ever. I'm yours and I'm not going anywhere." He said and I looked up at him and smiled. "I'll be back. Get in bed its late." Carl says, leaving me with a kiss on the forehead. He shuts the door behind him and walks down the stairs. I walk over to the closet and chose to sleep in one of Carl's sweatshirts and spandex. I take off my clothes and let them fall to the floor and get re dressed. I walk to the bathroom and take my hair down. I brush it out and decide to french braid my hair back so it will be wavy when I wake up. I finish by tying it off with a hair bow. I brush my teeth and turn off the light and shut the bathroom door. I climb into the bed that me and Carl sleep in and turn off the lamp. I roll over and start to think about multiple things. Manly Carl. After a few minutes I get sleepy and doze off. Soon I feel the familiar hands around my waist. I roll over and see his beautiful blue eyes looking into mine. "It's taken care of babe. No need to worry anymore." Carl says getting closer. "Are you sure?" I say furrowing my brow. "Yes (y/n). Everything is fine" he replies, starting to play with the strings on my sweatshirt. I nuzzle my head into his bare chest. He begins to rub my back making me very tired. "I love you faggot" I say smiling into his chest. "Yeah yeah love you too." He says as I drift to sleep, in the arms of the love of my life.....

that's it I think (unless y'all want a part three)
that was kinda long sorry
lots of love :))

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