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*Y/N POV ...... This takes place at the prison btw also my best friend's name is Maggie and I really want to use her name in this so I am so when you read and it says "Maggie" I'm not talking about the "badasss farm girl Hershel's daughter Maggie" I'm talking about my best friend Maggie so jtlyn*

You Carl and your best friend Maggie were on your way back from a run that Rick sent you on to get baby formula for Judith. You and Maggie came to the prison a couple months ago but Maggie has been on edge because she doesn't trust anyone... Never has. "Are you okay Maggie?" Carl asks. "Yes I'm fine." She snaps back at him. "We're not too far from the prison, Carl can you go ahead I need to talk to Maggie if that's okay?" You ask nicely to the blue eyed boy. "Yeah sure I'll give you two some time to talk but if your not back in 30 I'm coming looking for you okay?" He says with a worried smile. "Okay." You smile as he walks off to the prison not too far from where you were. "Maggie.." You start. "Why won't you trust these people we've been here for 2 months and you're still shutting them out okay I know we lost everything but we still have each other and we still have them too so what's wrong?" You say very worried and concerned about your best friend. "I don't know (Y/N) I just don't know I just lost all my trust when my dad turned on us, leaving us in the woods alone." She replies starting to choke up. "I know Maggie I know and your dad shouldn't of done that to us but he did he only cared about himself and I know you miss him but he could still be alive but believe me you can trust these people they've given us clothes,food, and place to stay and they have family too so we're not in danger." You reply comforting your hurting friend. "Okay I guess I coul-" she was cut off by a gunshot going right through her stomach. You don't hesitate to grab your gun and shoot the man who had just shot your best friend. "MAGGIE???" You scream. You pick her up and start running as fast as you can. "Maggie. Maggie please don't die you're all I have left please Maggie." You cry running through the woods. You get near the prison hoping someone will be there to open the gates. "CARL!!!" You scream. "DARYL,RICK, SOMEONE HELP!!" You scream as Carl comes running to the gate and opens it. "(Y/N)... What happened we heard gunshots??" Carl asked scared. "She... She got shot by a-a man I don't know who he was I killed him." You panted. Daryl,Rick,and Hershel come running. as well. "Please Hershel, Please don't let her die." You cry holding your limp friend with whatever strength you had left in you. "Here I'll take her." Daryl says as he gets Maggie from my arms and takes Hershel running up to the prison. "What happened??" Rick panted. "We were just standing there and- and this man just shot her and I shot him and started running." You now sobbing. "I-I need to go with Hershel i-i have to be there with her." You pant out of breath. "It's okay (Y/N)" Carl comforts you with a hug. "Carl I-I didn't see him it just...just happened all in and instant." You cried into his shoulder. Rick takes you and Carl up to the prison, Carl still holding onto you. You run inside and see Hershel working on Maggie. "Will she survive?" You ask nearly about to fall down from being so weak. "She's lost a lot of blood I don't know if I can save her (Y/N) I'm sorry." Hershel explains. "What do you need to save her?" You ask desperate for your best friend not to die. "We used up all the things that we need to perform surgery when the sickness breakthrough happened. I would need 2x that stuff to save her and the nearest hospital is 30 miles east.... She has at least 10 more minutes or less to survive.Im sorry (Y/N) I can't save Maggie." Hershel finally says as he walks out of the room patting me on the back. "Just give me a minute." You tell the others. You walk up to Maggie her breathing really hard fainting away slowly and painfully. "Maggie.." You begin. "Yes... I know I'm going to die you do-don't have to tell me twice." She smiles. "I love you Maggie." You say crying onto her shoulder. "I love you too (Y/N)..... I want you to promise me something..... Don't give up,please keep fig-fighting for me because I would do it for you." Maggie says starting to loose breath. You nod looking into her crying green eyes. She looks at Carl and motions him to come here. "Take care of her." She pants to Carl. Carl nods,rubs Maggie's hand and walks back tot he corner. "(Y/N) I don't care you have to shoot me right when I die.... Prom- Promise me?" Maggie asks fainting quicker and quicker each breath. "Yes." You say now bawling. "Goodbye Best friend." She says as she closes her eyes and goes away. Your best friend lays there limp... Gone forever. You sit there and cry onto your now dead best friend. Carl walks up to you hands you your gun that you dropped outside and you shoot Maggie strait through the brain. "Do-Do you need anything." Carl asks nervously Ashe approaches you kindly. "Can-Can you help me dig her grave?"
You ask jumping down from the table. "Of course I will (Y/N)." He replies pulling you into a hug. You hug him back for what seems like forever. Carl helps you carry Maggie out to the field and burry her. "She wouldn't want a ceremony so let's just let her be." You say as you finish burying your best friend. "Okay do you need anything?" Carl asks. "I'm just going to go take a shower." You say "Thank you for helping she would've appreciated it." You say as you and Carl walk back to the prison, hand in hand...............

Pt.2 tomorrow!!!!! ❤️

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