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*Y/N POV this takes place when they all meet each other after terminus on road somewhere idk you can imagine whatever you want but anyways here you go my hoes... Lol jk ily all

The group had been walking for hours under the hot sun baby Judith started crying so Carl came up and took her and calmed her down. "You okay?" He asks with a deep raspy voice from dehydration. "I guess I have to be okay." You reply looking into the distance. You can feel Carl's eyes on you. You really like Carl and he knows it and he's said before that he really likes you too. "When we stop for camp I have to show you something." Carl says with a smirk. "Okay....." You say very confused. The group came to a stop waiting for instructions on what we're doing next. "Ok listen up we're going to split up into groups and search the woods for shelter." Rick begins. "Maggie and Glenn.,Sasha,Tyresse... Abraham with Eugine Rosita and Tara and I'll go with Michonne Daryl you are with Carl and (Y/N). Carol you stay here with Judith. Everyone meet back here in one hour."Everyone gets in their groups and heads out. Daryl stays behind you and Carl the whole time so it's kind of like he's watching you two. Daryl is like a father too you and you love him very much even though he's a pain in the ass sometimes he taught you how to shoot a crossbow and that's what you carry around now. "We should split up we'll cover mor ground." Daryl says as he gives me a smirk. "Make sure to meet back at the road in an hour." He says as he goes in the opposite direction of you and Carl. After a few minutes of walking you see a very small cabin in the distance. "Carl look." As you point towards the cabin. He takes your hand as you both run towards the cabin. You both enter and explore. It has one bed with a small kitchen and a couch with a fireplace. "What was it you wanted to show me earlier?" You ask sitting down on the couch Carl sitting down right beside you. "This." He says as he pulls out a bottle of liquor. "Where'd you find this?" You ask excitedly grabbing the bottle. "That's not necessary to explain." He says while grabbing the bottle back and opening it and chugging down some of the liquor. "Woah slow down cowboy." You say as you grab the bottle and have some for yourself. After you both finish the bottle he finds another one as you repeat this process again you both are obviously higher than Mars. "Shit Carl you got me drunkkk." You slur throwing the bottle at the door. "We need to go back dad we will be fucked if we're late." He replies. "We're fucked either way." You say as your hear a bang on the door. You both jump up ready to defend yourselves but it's  just Daryl. "Oh shit." You say as he walks in. "What's been going on here?" Daryl says with a grin on his face. "Nothin much just taking a break that's allll." Carl says as he's walking in circles unaware of his surroundings. You feel yourself getting sleepy so you decide to lay down. "Cmon we gotta go." Daryl says walking over to me. "Hey don't touch my girl." Carl slurs walking towards Daryl. "I can't move your gonna have to caryyyyyy me Daryl." You say almost asleep. "Well here goes nothin." As he slings you over his shoulder grabs Carl and heads out for the road. "Wait where are we going?" Carl asks in a cute raspy tone. "To your dad now cmon we ain't got all day." Daryl replies. You Finally reach the road where the others await. "Where the hell have you been?" Rick asks. "Looking for these two." Daryl replies setting you down. "We're okay Rick really we are fined." you slur almost falling down before Carl catches you. "Thanks cowboy." You say looking into his blue orbs. Damn he's so hot. "Anything for youuuu." He Howled. "Did you find any shelter?" Rick asks getting quite annoyed. "Yeah it's small though." Daryl says. "We should go there tonight and set out in the morning." Rick says as you all head too the cabin. You walked beside Carl the whole time until all you heard was a gunshot and then darkness took over.......

Pt 2 soon.... This is my worst imagine lol I'm so sorry but anyways GN BABES
-Addison 💕

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