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One day at the prison Rick gotta group of me,Daryl,Carl,Glenn,and Maggie together to go on a run to a nearby mall for supplies. When we got there Rick split us up into groups.... Maggie and Glenn, Carl and Me, and him and Daryl. When we split up the first place we went into was a furniture store I have no clue why Rick would send us here but it was huge. Me and Carl split up taking different areas of the store. I was walking down an aisle when i felt like someone was watching me. "Carl!" I whisper shout. Then someone pulls me backwards putting there cold hand over my mouth. Once they turn me around I see a group of 3 teenagers. "What the fuck who are you?" I yell louder than expected. No one replied as the one in the middle walked up to me and held me down while another one came and tied my mouth shut. I kicked and screamed hoping Carl would hear me then the boy who held me down threw me over his shoulder and starting running with his friends not far behind. After a couple of minutes we reached the bathrooms and they threw me inside. They took off the shirt that was holding my mouth shut and set me down. "WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed frustrated at what was just happening. "Quiet it down a little bit." One of them said. The boy who picked me up walked towards me. "I'm Zach. That's Josh and Chaz." He said pointing to the other boys sitting in the sink. Zach had dirt blond hair and green eyes. Josh had a beanie on and dark brown hair with deep brown eyes. Chaz had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They all look about my age so maybe I can fight them off. "Why the hell have you bring me here....what do you want from me?" I ask standing up. "We saw you and the boy with the sheriffs hat walk in and we though you might want to have some fun because you know we all three haven't seen a girl like you in forever." Zach replied walking closer to me. "What the hell is this?!" I scream as he steps closer to me. Now he's right on top of me I'm staring into his deep green eyes as I'm about to go for the door he pins me against the wall. his hands down to my hips I can feel his dick getting hard against my stomach. "Get off me!" I yell trying to get loose but he is more stronger than me."Josh,Chaz go find the cowboy bring him here." Zach instructs and they leave the bathroom leaving us alone. "Now if you don't do what I tell you too I'll have them shoot the boy it?" He taunts as he picks me up and lays me on a blanket spread across the floor. He hovers above me as he begins to unbutton my flannel slowly staring into my eyes. As he unbuttons it completely and throws it off his hands move down my stomach to the rim of my shorts. He unbuttons my shorts and slides them down my legs slower than Christmas. He throws them to the side as he starts leaving hickeys down my neck all the way to my stomach. I don't want this to happen but I don't want Carl dead. As he comes up and places his lips onto mine fighting for dominance to slip his tongue in. I allow him hoping and praying that Carl is almost here. He pulls away and gives me a smirk. "Now what's your name?" He asks fiddling with my hair. "(Y/N)" I reply glaring him deep into his eyes. I mean this guy is pretty fucking hot but why me? Why is he doing this? I just want Carl here! As he grabs a hold of my hands and places them above y head as he starts to lick up and down my stomach sending chills throughout my body. A slight moan escapes my mouth as he looks at me with a smirk. Then Josh and Chaz burst through the door with Carl tied up and blind folded. They Un-blindfold him and throw him down next to me. "(Y/N)!" He yells attempting to grab ahold of me but Chaz pushes him away. His face is all beaten up and bloody. "Carl...." I reply a tear sliding down my check. Zach pulls away from me as he stands up above Carl. "Now we're gonna fuck your little girlfriend then we're gonna take your guns alright?" He says hovering above Carl with an evil grin on his face. I think fast and grab a knife on the floor and charge at him. Once I'm about to him I'm knocked down and all I see is darkness takeover and hear Carl yelling..........As soon as things are a little more clear I sit up and see Carl fighting off the other boys with Glenn and Daryl. Where the hell did they come from. I thought confused.  I grab me flannel and throw it over my shoulders. As soon as I look up the three boys are lying there dead. I'm still crying just thinking of what might of happened. Carl runs up to me with worry on his face. "(Y/N)!!! Are you okay? Did they hurt you or did they do anything to you?!!!" He asks covering em up more with my flannel. "No....Carl I was so scared I....I thought they killed you." I reply holding my knees together. "No (Y/N) it's okay I'm right here." He replies pulling me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck and I'm shaking. I'm so dizzy I can't even see strait. "Carl I'm- Im so dizzy." I crock out. Then Glenn and Daryl and Rick come running over to me asking if I was okay. Then Carl hands me my shorts as I re-dress he picks me up and carries me out of the mall. We get into the big suv and I'm sitting across Carl's lap my head on his legs my legs sprawled out on top of Daryl and Rick. "Carl thank you." I say looking into his beautiful blue eyes. "Anything for you" he replies stroking my  hair and drawing pictures in my check. "I love you (Y/N)." He says cupping my face. "I love you too Carl." I reply as everyone "aweeess" at us as he leans down and kisses me on the forehead. Daryl pats my leg as I give him a look of that I'm okay. I scoot up to where I'm on top of Carl and fall asleep in his arms........

Sorry that was shitty I just kind of mad sit up as I went along........

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