Chapter Forty Seven

Start from the beginning

Julius nodded as he looked at the barely breathing woman, "And what am I to tell him if he comes to check on her?"

Shrugging he moved toward the door, "Tell him she attempted to commit suicide."

Julius nodded, "I will send him a message today alerting him to this.  I'd hate for him to come and find her like this during one of his surprise visits."

Xara blinked back the tears remembering how terrified she had been when her body wouldn't move. Julius hadn't closed her eyes while she laid in that state for four days.  It wasn't until she'd had another visitor several days later that her eyes were closed.  Sighing she thought back to that day.

The doors to the gray room slid open and Sebastian walked confidently into the room.  He black gaze immediately fell on her, "You say she attempted to commit suicide?" 

Julius nodded and hurried into the small room nervously. "Yes, sir, she attempted to commit suicide four days ago."

Sebastian stared down warmly at her and moved several strands of silver hair from her face, "When did her hair turn from brown to silver?"

Julius shifted uncomfortable as he stared at her hair, "It happened after the second failed attempt to get her to carry an Ah'Tarian embryo."

"Why is her eyes open," he snapped staring into blank brown eyes.

"I apologize but Dion had told me -."

"Dion has been here," he inquired closing her eyes and turning to stare death rays at Julius. "And you are just tell me this?"

"I apologize, I didn’t realize this was something of importance."

Raising his left hand he watched dispassionately as Julius slammed into the cold metal wall. "He is never to see her by himself," closing his hand he watched as Julius face turned red.  "I or our father is to always accompany him at all times."  Releasing his grip on the man he snarled, "Do I make myself clear?"

Julius gasped as he nodded his head in understand.  "I apologize."

"Do you really," drawled Sebastian as he looked down with disdain at Julius.  "If you are really sorry you will tell me what my dear brother gave you to injected her with."

End of Flashback

Xara stayed in that state for two weeks before one day being able to open her eyes and move around.  When she came to she'd pretended not to have heard or seen anything.  

Her pretending had paid off slightly; though still a prisoner and experimented on.  She'd let them believe she'd trusted their lies about why she was being used.  Sighing she looked out the barred window again wishing she'd just die.


Ah'Taria, Gold District - Phoenix Crest Manor

Looking down at the jeweled hair combs Jacob had even her she rolled her eyes and opted for a simple blue ribbon that Mekhi had given her.  Running her hands down the frumpy woolen dress she looked down at her device going off.  Reading the one sentence she turned her face up: If you go out with that medic, I'll make you regret it.

Looking at the message she frowned as she responded:  Obviously our relationship is not monogamous or you wouldn't have been interviewing your next fuck buddy in front of me.  And you say you'll make me regret it my biggest regret is being with you.

Not waiting for his response she looked at the long high neck bodiless dress and shook her head.  I am not wearing this after all. Walking into her closet she picked out a dark blue dress.  She smiled mischievously when she saw the 'V' in the back would show off her back and the dip in the front would give a hint of her amble bosom.   Shrugging out of the previous dress she put the dark blue one on and nodded when it fell just above her knees.

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