27. Totures and Despairs

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Chapter 27: Tortures and Despairs

It was a dark midnight. Everyone slept with their warm blankets covering their bodies from the very cold winter weather. The only ones up were the royal night guards. They were patrolling the castle from any intruders, as it is their duty to protect the castle, the castle laborers, the nobles and most importantly, the royal family.

On the East wing slept the white-haired prince and his gracious wife, the red-haired princess. The comfort of the bed and the extra thick blanket warming their pale skins.

Oddly, they were sleeping separately. Very unlike. Each body was facing the other way.

Shirayuki's body itself changed her sleeping body's posting as it had gotten tired. Inside the dark room, Shirayuki's breath was quickening, she was panting. She once more changed her sleeping position back as it was before. But something was tickling her. Something was tickling her chest and throat.

Felt by the familiar sensation, Shirayuki suddenly woke up from her sleep and placed her hand onto her heavyweight chest and started rubbing it.

Due to Shirayuki's rapidness, Zen also woke up and switched on the nearest lamp. Seeing his wife rubbing her chest he murmured concerned, "Shirayuki?"

Shirayuki quickly uprose from their bed and fastly walked to the washroom.

Zen let his hands run through his white hair. Hearing the sounds of an unhealthy wife vomiting made him even more worried. He pulled his torso back, now leaning on the bed's headboard.

The sounds coming from the washroom reduced. Zen had become a light-sleeper due to this. So he can help Shirayuki incase she yelps for something or anything befalls.

The white-haired kept staring at the door, hoping it would open soon. But nothing happened. He was becoming more worried. It's been close to half an hour since Shirayuki entered the washroom. Usually, it would take quarter minutes.

Zen got up from the large bed and made his way to the lavatory. He knocked three times. Waiting for an approval, he got the opposite. As no approval or disapproval was heard, he slowly entered inside. He saw Shirayuki kneeling down with her arms surrounding a bucket and face dipped inside it.

Zen fastly approached Shirayuki and started rubbing her back. With only short centimeters between Zen and the sea blue bucket, he could already see blood and the food Shirayuki had eaten before sleeping. Seeing the blood was enough for him to close his eyes as he himself couldn't take more of it.

Zen stood up, fetched water with a cup and took a small-sized, light red towel from the towel shelf. He placed these items on her right side.

Without the feeling of heavyweight chest anymore, Shirayuki took the filled cup and used it to cleanse her mouth so it wouldn't feel stained. She wiped her mouth with the light-shaded of red and thanked Zen with a pale smile.

"You can go inside and warm up. I will empty the bucket", Zen proposed.

"I don't know, but I really feel cold. Maybe a hot shower would be nice?" Shirayuki asked weakly as she tried to get up from the kneeling position to a standing position but miserably failed. Only to find herself sitting tiredly on the floor.

"Here, use my towel. It's the thickest to warm you up till I'm done preparing the bathtub." Handling a white, thick and long body towel, Shirayuki thanked. She wrapped herself into the world of Zen's towel as his scent almost took her breath away. Though with any strong-scented smell, she would feel dizzy and faint, she didn't feel like that towards Zen, she even urged for more. No matter how many times this white-colored body towel is washed, his body scent never vanishes from it.

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