17. The Stranger

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Chapter 17: The Stranger

The kingdom of Clarines was in a deep depth of pressure. Their second Prince will be marrying the Lady Shirayuki. Today had been marked as a national holiday. The people were really happy. Not only because their Prince was getting married, but they wouldn't have to worry about going to work.

Flags were raised at the flag tower, at early dawn till midnight. The castle had been decorated with colorful colors. Every corner could be felt by joy and excitement. Even the couples themselves could feel the same, but with anxious. The bells were been set, ready to ring.

Visitors had already arrived. Some were still on their way. The visitors' invitation cards were sent to different nations. Over hundreds of invitation were sent out. And had thousands of replies. The visitors' number was growing so much, the royal cabinet was starting to suspect if the wedding visitors are really visiting for the wedding. Or maybe, they are just visiting to see the beautiful red-haired maiden.

The red-haired maiden was fast asleep herself, forgetting her wedding to her beloved is today.

Someone has been knocking on the door for the last minutes. Anytime I want to answer, I feel like there's something dragging me back. The knocking had suddenly stopped, instead, I could feel sun rays under my closed eyelids.

"Miss! Seriously, if you don't wake up, I won't have any choice but to pour water on you."

I heard someone. Oh, Cora.

"Cora, what is wrong? You've never awakened me up this early." I asked gently putting my hands on my eyes trying to avoid the sunlight.

"Are you seriously asking?" She asked sighing. "Well if you really want to know, today is your wedding day with the future Grand Prince Zen of Clarines." She added closing the curtains a bit.

I suddenly woke up from my dreams and sat on the bed. Today! Today is the day! Now I can feel panic and uneasiness. Less than hours I would be married and become a princess of one of the most developed countries.

But wait! Yesterday, I remember sleeping on the couch, not on the bed. Kiki must've taken the opportunity and carried me here. I sighed.

"So, what do I do now?" I asked Cora.

"Firstly, get your bath and take your breakfast. After that, we will go to the dressing room, for your dress, makeup and everything." Cora said removing the blankets from my body and I quickly nodded.

I made my way to the washroom. I removed my sleeping gadgets to where it belongs to and stepped into a hot water.

After minutes of bathing, trying to get clean and seconds of Cora shouting for me to hurry up, I was done. I looked at the mirror one last time and took a deep breath.

On my way to the dining room, the guards and maids were looking at me dazzlingly. Some were even smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back. And I remembered Lady Adela's instruction: Don't smile back at them, no matter what! I'm not even a princess yet and I've already broken a rule.

I was served a special meal. A meal served for brides, so they won't go hungry till hours. And once more and for the last time, I ate breakfast in peace and in silence.

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