15. Brother

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Chapter 15: Brother

I groaned, shrugging my shoulders back and forth in circles. This week has been quite stressful. Not to talk about the upcoming wedding. Even though it's not my wedding, I feel tense and stress in my body. Some of the wedding visitors had arrived a while ago, even days ago.

Haki had been worried about me staying late in my office. She has been also trying to take some of my duties, so I can have a longer rest. Although her idea is good, it wouldn't work for me.

I got up from the chair, after placing all the papers orderly. Switching, blowing off the lights, I closed the door of my office gently. I placed my coat on my shoulders.

Walking through the palace, everything is been settled for the wedding. The flowers, the flags, the bells, the... lots of things. It reminds me of my own wedding.

Although I was tired, I wanted to make sure some guests are still not lost. I heard clashes and soft groans. I wanted to see who it could be by this time of the night, so, I walked a bit faster. And there he was. I sighed.

"What are you doing, at this time of the night?" I asked walking down the stairs.

He turned. He looked a bit surprised but then smiled. "Hey, brother."

Walking down, I saw his tunic and belt on the floor, properly laid. And two bottles next to them. Then that means someone is or was here. Who could it be?

"So, what are you doing here?" I asked putting my shoulder coats down, next to his.

He didn't answer me, just waved his wood sword for me to guess what he's up to.

"Care for a match?" I queried.

"Oh yes. That would be delightful." He said in a beam.

We took our time and then in seconds we were clashing like there's no one who couldn't hear us.

Zen's sword skill has improved impressively. He's more careful of his surroundings and more... proper.

His breath was hitching. He was playing fairly and squarely. I couldn't help but give all my best shots. I haven't fight like this in years and I wouldn't be fighting like this with him for years. Probably my last fight with him.

With the last clash, we were both tired, panting, a bit sweaty. Our match was a tie. We just stared into each other's eyes, not saying anything.

"Care for a drink?" Zen broke the silence. I nodded my head. Zen took two bottles into his hand and gestured one for me, whilst sitting on one of the stairs.

"Isn't it someone else's?" I asked pointing at the full watered bottle. He just shakes his head.

"Well, it was actually for Mitsuhide, but he couldn't make it. Because he had something to take care of. And also, I wanted to be alone." Zen handed me the drink. I opened it and drank, so did he.

Zen put his tunic and belt on, wrinkled. We were sitting there in silence. Of course, I knew he had questions on his mouth, ready to pout out like there's no next time. But he restrained himself, like a gentleman.

"Time passes." I finally broke the silence with a loud whisper. Zen immediately rotated his skull to look at me.

"Just years ago, you were born. When I was told I was having a sibling, I didn't know if to be happy or to be sad. Since I wasn't sure having a sibling was like. And then I found out, I had a baby brother. He had a deep platinum blond hair, deep sapphire blue eyes. I felt like I could freeze when I was told, I should hold you. You were so fragile.

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