07. The Request

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Chapter 7: The Request

This chapter is just a flashback of how Izana got "the papers"

I sighed. The sky is so overly perfect. As I stood up stretching, I groaned tiredly. As I was stretching, I glanced at a white paper. Oh No! How could I have forgotten! I immediately took the paper in my hands and left my office. But I need to tell Ryuu first, just in case someone comes in looking for me or he himself is looking for me. I knocked on Ryuu's working space door. I didn't hear any approval so I entered. I saw Ryuu bent down a large paper and herbs in front of him totally focused on it, no wonder he didn't answer to my knock.

"Ryuu! Back to Earth!", I snapped, snapping my middle finger and thumb together.

He suddenly looked up at me with his sea blue eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh hey, Chief!" Ryuu greeted. I smiled at him. He tilted his head slowly and asked, "Is that paper for me?" I raised my eyebrows questionably. I was puzzled for a moment until I looked at the paper he was talking about. Menopause is starting to hit my memory these days. I have a husky laugh and turned the paper for him to see it. His eyes widened and only replied with two letters that formed a word, "Oh."

Ryuu looked a bit sad. I knew he was trying his best not to show it. Even though he could be unreadable, it was easy to spot him. Ryuu has become even more unreadable these few years. He's become fascinatingly taller and smarter. I think the two-year research he and Shirayuki... Lady Shirayuki had made him smarter. Not to mention, it also made Lady Shirayuki smarter and more intelligent too.

"Do you think it's going to happen?" Ryuu asked interrupting my thoughts.

I exhaled, not knowing what to say. Ryuu just stared at me without saying anything, he nodded his head positively and went back to his studies.

"Anyway, I'm leaving for a while. I will be back in about half an hour. Not promising though." With saying that, I left the medical wing.

Work has been very exhaustive this few week. It's like everybody is intentionally getting sick. They don't know, they are indirectly slowly killing me towards old age. I'm really late, I should've been there like 10-15 minutes ago. I scratched my nape. Suddenly I saw a red-haired maiden. She was walking with a maidservant and they were laughing. I heard Lady Shirayuki now has her own maid, for the time being. Memories started to hit me. About the first time, I saw her magical scarlet hair. When she passed her entrance exams in a very unsuspected way, just the way as she passed her official pharmaceutical exams. Now she is the fiance of the second Prince. Lucky girl!

Finally! I'm here. My legs are paining me! I feel like dying. I lazily knocked on the door. Patiently waiting I heard: "Enter!"

I did as I was told. I walked into the room of emptiness. Just large windows, which His Majesty was leaning on one of them. He didn't turn around as if he was concentrated on something. I took my final steps forward and bowed. Unfortunately, I'm not that kind of woman who likes to courtesy.

"My precious time has been wasted just by standing here not doing anything." The King said as he turned from leaning the window. Now his back is leaning while his arms are crossed and so are his legs.

"Unfortunately, I also spent my precious time trying to figure out my next appointment. Since the meeting is hard to come by, I totally forgot." I explained innocently.

His Majesty lets a quiet exhale escape his body. He then asked, "Did you bring it with you?" I nodded as I handed a paper of three sets to him. "Thank you", he thanked. He went through all the papers then nodded.

After the papers were settled, I walked carelessly to the window opposite the King.

"The Royal Family will owe us"

"What makes you think so? It's just a matter of change in life. That's all" His Majesty replied crossed.

"She's was starting to learn and she could've even become a researcher too."

"She chose her path. No one forced her." He said irritated. "Besides she has a choice. She can choose between yes and no." he continued, this time softly.

"What if she says yes?"

"Then she does"

"What if she says no?"

"She wouldn't."

I looked at the King, showing no emotion. He was smiling. I know that smile. It simply means... nothing. I stared at him and so was he at me. I left the room. I put my hand in my uniform pockets.

Garrack Gazelt looked like she wanted to poison me with one of her poisonous herbs. I think she knows about the plan. She figured it out. She really is the most genius person I've ever met. I silently chuckled to myself. Well, well, well, looks like it's time to sign some papers.

I turned to face the door when the Queen appeared smiling, as always. She gave a glorious curtesy then made her way towards me. I knew what she was going to ask. I didn't have to wait long to hear what she has to ask.

"Are you still proceeding." Her voice calmed, very calm.

"I didn't say I was abandoning it. Did I?"

She gently smiled at me and looked away.

"What about Highness Zen?"

I looked at her as she was admiring birds in the air freely flying. "It's not like he has a choice. He will understand."

She looked at me and slowly nodded her head. The gentle smile still tucked on her lips.


Since the next chapter will take some time, this is just a short chapter while you wait for the original update:)

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