Chapter 28: They're Driving Me Nuts

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"Excuse me!" I exclaimed as I stopped laughing.

"Marry me. Not anytime soon but one day. I'm not actually proposing but I want it to happen one day. I want moments of you laughing controllably like that for the rest of my life. I want to one day be able to propose to you whenever it may come," Dave said. I just kind of looked at him ad cocked my head to the side.

"So you're proposing to propose?" I asked slightly confused.

"Ya I guess," Dave responded with. We just looked at each other and then I jumped on him. Thankfully he caught me and I kissed him as we stood there like that.

"Yes one day I will marry your goofy ass and we will has tons of babies," I said.

July 20, 2003

Dave and I had broken up yet again when I didn't want to live in Virginia anymore. I had packed up and shipped my stuff home and then drove back to LA with Geddy in tow. When Taylor overdosed and was in the hospital Dave had called me to tell me what happened and I jumped a plane. When I got there I wanted to stay at the hospital with Dave but he told me to go to his hotel room and get some sleep and that he'd call if anything changed. I did that but I didn't sleep much. When I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, I laid down with the phone right beside me so I could hear it incase it rang. I slept pretty much the entire day and night and woke up on my second day there. I had gotten up to shower and was just getting in when the phone rang. Taylor was awake. I showered and then ran to the hospital. When Taylor saw me standing in the doorway he had asked Dave for a minute alone and he obliged. After Dave had left the room, I walked over to Taylor and hugged him before sitting in the chair. He told me I was dumb to have moved back home when things had been going so good. He also pretty much said that Dave still loved me and if I still loved him I'd have to do something because he met someone. That night Dave and I talked and eventually decided to give things another try. Dave eventually moved back to La and Geddy and I happily went back to living with him. Eventually Dave proposed and I of course said yes and now our wedding was in less than a month and Dave was coming home from tour today. I was fidgeting with a bouquet of flowers I had gotten when Virginia came into the living room.

"Oh sweetheart he's not going to care how those look. He's going to be focused on you," Virginia said. I stopped fixing the flowers and went to sit on the couch.

"I know but I need something to do to keep me busy or I'll go nuts," I said back.

"Take the dog out for a walk then. I'll be here and you're fidgeting is driving me nuts," My aunt said as Virginia sat down on the couch with me.

"Now now Jane. She's doesn't need to do that and besides she's already walked poor Geddy four times today," Virginia replied with. They started bickering back and forth about what I should do and I just left the living room. I had already been listening to this for a week and I was going nuts. I grabbed my purse and was digging through it for my keys as I walked out the front door when I hit something.

"Hey where you running off to," Dave said as I looked up at them.

"I'm running away from my aunt mainly but her and your mom keep bickering and it's driving me nuts," I said back as we hugged.

"I'm here now. I can help defuse these situations. Besides we don't need the bride to be running away. By the way you look amazing, I love you, I missed and most importantly, hi," Dave said before he kissed me quickly.

"Thanks and so do you. I missed you too, I love you too and hey you," I said back and pulled him in for a deeper kiss.

"I found her," my aunt shouted from behind me and I pulled away from Dave. "Welcome home Dave."

"Thanks Jane and it's good to see you. Mom!" Dave exclaimed and ran over to hug his mom as she joined us. I turned around and smiled as Jane came to stand beside me. I loved seeing him always get so happy to see his mom. Jane put her arms around my shoulders and squeezed me tightly.

"She would be so proud of you bee," she whispered to me as we call headed inside.

"I know. I just wish she was here," I said back quietly as I closed the door behind us.

"I know sweetie," Jane responded with.

We sat down and ate lunch together before we left to go finalize some wedding things. We went to the flower shop, the suit shop, and to the bakery to try cake. There was no way I was going to do that without Dave. After that we dropped my aunt off at her place and headed home. Virginia made dinner while Dave and I went and sat on the edge of the pool with our feet in it.

"How have you been? You look a little paler than you did when you came out to visit," Dave asked.

"I'm fine. I'm just a little stressed that's all. Not easy planning a wedding but at least all I got left now is the dress fittings to get through," I responded with.

"When do yo have to do that?" Dave asked and I shrugged.

"Two weeks before the wedding. Dave don't get any crazy ideas," I replied with and he started laughing.

"It's not crazy but we could go back to your old place and spend sometime on the beach. Invite the guys and girls over and just have a relaxing week and have some fun. Get some color back in those cheeks," Dave suggested.

"Sure why not?" I answered with and Dave pulled me in for a kiss. Once we had pulled apart I got an idea and pushed Dave into the pool. When he surfaced he gave me a look that I knew if I didn't move, he'd pull me in with him. I didn't move as he swam back over to me and put his hands on my feet.

"You should not have done that," he said before he pulled me in. When I had resurfaced he pulled me over to him and kissed me.

"If only your mom wasn't in the house," I said and Dave gave me a look.

"You continually surprise me," Dave said back.

We got out of the pool and headed inside to change for dinner. When I got back downstairs Lisa was here along with Taylor and Abby. Those two and finally gotten together and made things official. They had even moved out of my place and now had had their own place. My place was now completely empty but I went there to paint when I had a big project that I had to do. I was now doing paintings for other people and getting paid for it while working at a daycare part time. When Dave was home though I tried to do my work at home instead of running off to the beach. Sometimes Dave would come with me and we'd stay until the painting was perfect then go back to our place.

That night we all sat down to dinner and then went out for drinks after. Virginia decided to leave after having a couple of drinks with us and Taylor and Abby gave her a ride home. Dave, Lisa and I eventually went back to our place. The next day, Dave and I packed up some clothes and headed to the beach house with Geddy.

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