Chapter 19: Second Chances And Safe Travels

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3 Days Later - April 25, 1997

"I don't want you to go. I'm having too much fun with you," I said as Dave and I stood outside my front door.

"You and me both but I have to go. I need clean clothes and a shower that doesn't have your naked body in or around it," Dave replied as he pulled me into him.

"That's not what I meant. I don't want you to go to wherever it is your going in 3 days," I said back as we held each other.

"Could always come with me if you want to," he responded with. I thought about it for a minute and then shrugged.

"Do you really think my aunt would let me go anywhere with you right now?" I asked as I pulled away from him slightly.

"Your aunt took us out to dinner last night and apologized for freaking out. Look she's a little crazy but she wants nothing more than for you to be happy. Just talk to her today when you guys are getting your nails done. That is if you want to come and be with me," Dave replied. He smiled at me and bit his bottom lip and I felt my knees go weak.

"Ok I'll talk to her but only if you really really want me to come," I responded back with. Dave made a face and scratched his head and chin before pulling me back towards him.

"Of course I want you to come. You really think that now that I have you again I'm just going to leave and be like forget her? Nope not a chance in hell. I'm not letting you go yet," Dave replied before he leaned down and kissed me. "I'll be back later babe. Don't replace me while I'm gone."

I pushed him playfully and he laughed before he kissed me again and got in his car. I watched as he backed out of the driveway and drove off. We had agreed that after 5 days of not being able to keep our hands off each other that waiting wasn't really an option anymore. I headed back inside and after I closed the door, I leaned against it and smiled. I closed my eyes and just stood there thinking for a couple of minutes. I screamed and jumped when the door bell rang before I opened it.

"Why the hell did you scream?" Abby asked as she walked into the house.

"I was behind the door and was thinking of things and it just scared me," I replied as we headed to the kitchen.

"I think I can guess what you were thinking about. Things going ok with you two?" she asked as I poured us each a cup of coffee.

"They're going really great. It's like we never really broke up. I know it's been years since we've been together but everything just feels kind of right with him. I can be myself and not worry around him. I don't know, I really can't explain it," I replied and sat at the table with her. I smiled to myself before I took a sip of the coffee.

"According to Taylor you guys spend almost all your time together in the bedroom and you scream about god a lot," Abby said with a raised eyebrow.

"We aren't always in the bedroom. We're in that new phase but yet we were like that from the beginning last time. I mean we never went all the way until I was ready but when we couldn't keep our hands to ourselves. Plus we may be in the bedroom but we're not just screwing like rabbits. We talk and watch tv or movies too," I responded back with.

"Well I don't care about you guys and what you do in the bedroom but I'm glad you're happy again. What you got planned for today?"

"Getting my nails done with my aunt and probably lunch with her. Hey you want to come with? You can lend moral support or be a buffer while I ask my aunt to let me leave for god knows how long," I said.

"Did lover boy ask you to go on tour with him?" Abby asked excitedly.

"He did and I really want to go. I'd be with him and I can support T. He'll have a friendly face and I can keep him out of some trouble," I replied.

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