Chapter 24

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"I can't believe that just happened," Winter said on the ride to Lucas's house. "And now Christopher is dead-"

"Stop," Lucas said, taking her hand. "Stop. Everything will be alright, I promise." 

Winter turned to Summer. "Are we good?" she asked. 

"We will be," Summer said. "If you do something for me." She leaned in to Winter. "I like that guy Andrew," she whispered. "Help me get him and we'll be good." 

"Deal," Winter laughed. 

When they pulled up to Lucas's house, Lucas helped Summer and Winter out of the car. Andrew got out of his car shortly after. 

"Hey, Andrew!" Winter called. "Are you single?" 

"Yeah, why?" Andrew laughed. 

"Well, my sister kind of likes you, and you clearly like her," Winter said. 

"Why do you say that?" Andrew asked. Summer smiled at Andrew, and he smiled back, his cheeks turning pink. 

"Because you look at her like that and you're blushing right now," Winter pointed out. 

"Fine, I like her," Andrew admitted. "Can you help me get a date with her?" 

"Just ask her," Winter advised. "She likes guys who are straight-forward and aren't afraid to talk to her." 

"Okay," Andrew said. He walked up to Summer. "Hey, Summer, do you want to go out sometime?"

Summer blushed and smiled. "Sure," she giggled. 

"Great," Andrew grinned. 

Lucas took Winter's hand. "That was a nice thing you did for Summer," he said. 

"Well, she is my sister," Winter replied. "And she deserves some happiness after the crap we've put up with lately."

"True," Lucas said. "Hey, can I tell you something?" 

"Anything," Winter said. 

Lucas took a deep breath. "I love you," he said. "I really love you, and I never want to let you go." 

Winter's eyes filled with happy tears. "I love you too," she said back. "And I always want you with me. I said I didn't need you before, but that was lie. I do need you." 

"And I need you," Lucas replied. He took her hand and pulled her in for a kiss. Sparks flew as their lips touched. Winter never wanted to let him go. As she pulled back for air, she saw out of the corner of her eye that Summer and Andrew were also kissing. She smiled slightly. She knew that Lucas hadn't been lying. Everything was going to be alright. 

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