Chapter 17

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"Are you sure?" Christopher asked.

Winter nodded, staring deep into his. Christopher grinned. He had been waiting for this moment.

Winter pulled her shirt over her head. She leaned in and let Christopher kiss her. She sighed as he kissed her jaw and her neck. Then he leaned his head up and began whispering in her ear. "I know about your powers."

Winter pulled her head away, startled. "What?"

"I know about your powers," he repeated, grinning mischievously. Winter gulped. "I truly loved you, Winter. So just know that I'm truly sorry to have to do this."

Winter's eyes widened as she realized what he meant. But it was too late. He had already plunged the knife deep into her back, puncturing a vital organ. Winter's eyes filled up with tears of betrayal. Then she fell back, her muscles going limp and blood pooling around her.

"Goodbye, Winter," Christopher said with an evil grin on his face. "Have fun as a dead girl."


Winter woke up, gasping and drenched in sweat. She sat up quickly, her head spinning. She tried to slow her breathing as to not wake up Summer. What the... she thought. She pulled the sheets off of her and got out of bed, heading to the restroom.

Winter splashed water on her face to get herself to wake up. She stared at herself in the mirror, wondering what her dream meant. Her eyes glanced up at the clock, which read 3:48 am. She groaned and pulled out her cell phone. She had three messages from Lucas, all of them from just a few minutes ago. She opened up her phone and read the texts.

Today 3:43 am

Lucas: Hey, Winter. I think Christopher knows. Text me back asap.

Lucas: Sorry if I'm waking u up, btw. It's just important.

Lucas: Christopher was acting strange. Meeting some guy in an alley and acting nervous all the time. Tried to listen in on the convo, but all I could hear was that there was $$ involved. I wonder if Christopher is getting paid to tell the guy secrets about your magic. Text me asap.

Winter was perplexed. What does this mean? She quickly typed out a response to Lucas's texts.

Winter: What does this mean?

Lucas: Did I wake you up?

Winter: Nightmare.

Lucas: Oh. U ok?

Winter. Yeah. So what does this mean?

Lucas: Idk

Winter: Well that's helpful.

Lucas: I really don't know. But I'm going to find out.

Winter: Ok Sherlock

Lucas: Shut up.

Winter laughed and closed her phone. She was about to go back to bed when her phone dinged again.

Lucas: Meet me at Culver's. Now.


Winter opened the door to Culver's. It was nearly empty since it was four in the morning. The only three people in the restaurant were Lucas, some random guy, and...

Winter gasped. Christopher.

She quickly rushed over to Lucas's table. "What's Christopher doing here?" she asked, panicked.

"I don't know," Lucas replied. He concentrated on Christopher. Somehow, Christopher couldn't see the two. He continued on with his conversation with the strange man. Suddenly, Lucas got up and grabbed Winter's arm. He dragged her out the door. "I've got all the information I need," he said.

"What does that mean?" Winter asked.

"He knows," Lucas said. "He was selling you out for money."

"How do you know?" Winter exclaimed.

"I could read his lips," Lucas explained. "He told the man that you had magic. He told him where you lived and what your powers were."

"I don't believe you," Winter said, stopping in her tracks.

"I wouldn't lie to you, Winter," Lucas exclaimed.

"I think that you're trying to break up Christopher and I so you can have me all to yourself," Winter pointed out.

"Don't go crazy," Lucas snarled. "Not every boy you ever meet is going to be attracted to you."

"You kissed me!" Winter exclaimed. "You kissed me and you told me that you liked me. I think that means that you're attracted to me."

"Well, I'm over you now," Lucas lied.

"Don't lie to me," Winter said, calling him out. She crossed her arms. "I know that you still like me."

"You're dreaming," Lucas insisted. "I don't like you."

"If you had to choose between staying with Summer or being with me, who would you choose?" Winter asked. "And don't lie to me."

Lucas gulped, knowing that he would choose Winter. But he refused to let her have the satiafaction of knowing the truth.

"I'd stay with Summer," Lucas lied.

"Fine," Winter said. "Then we'll do this the hard way. Lucas, will you go out with me?"

Lucas's eyes widened in disbelief. Was she really doing this? He didn't want to say yes and let her win. But he didn't want to say no and give up his chance to date her. Eventually, his pride won over.

"No," Lucas answered. "I'm dating Summer. Sorry."

Winter glared at Lucas. She knew the truth, even though he wouldn't admit it.

Winter was about to lean in and kiss Lucas to try and expose him and his motives for telling Winter the lies she thought he was telling. But suddenly, the sky lit up with lightning. Winter screamed from the startling boom that followed. And before she knew it, lightning struck the ground right in front of her.

And from the lightning came a girl, with lightning marks covering her skin and electrical sparks coming from her hands.

"Hello, Winter," she said, grinning. Lightning shot out from her, hitting Lucas. Winter screamed as he fell, twitching from the electricity spreading through his skin and viens. Winter looked up, scared of the girl that stood in front of her.

"Winter McKnight," she said, "prepare for your death."

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