Chapter 23

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"What is Viribus?" Christopher asked his Boss.

The Boss looked around fearfully. "Christopher, you must never repeat this to anyone," he warned. Christopher nodded. "Viribus is the most powerful magical tool. It can destroy anything, even the entire world. But it can also be used for good, if put in the right hands."

"You said it was a tool," Christopher clarified. "Then how are the twins Viribus?"

"We thought it was some sort of object," the Boss explained. "But with careful research, we have discovered that it is actually your two friends."

"And you want me to kidnap them and take them here?" Christopher asked doubtfully.

"Yes," the Boss instructed. "Let's save the world."


Winter panicked as she heard Christopher's car door open and close. She heard the downstairs door creak, and her heart skipped a beat. She ran into her room and closed the door behind her, sliding the lock so Christopher couldn't get in.

"Winter!" Summer exclaimed. "Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?"

"It's Christopher," Winter whispered. "He's come to kidnap us."

"No, he's here for me," Summer said. "We're just going to hang out. Stop trying to get me to break up with Christopher."

"Summer, I swear I'm not!" Winter exclaimed.

"Your promises don't mean much lately," Summer spat as she unlocked the door and headed out. Winter squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block the tears forming. She had to save herself and her sister.

And she knew her job had started when she heard screaming from the hallway.


Lucas quickly ended the phone call with Winter and grabbed his keys. He ran out to his car and got in, turning the engine on. He drove out as fast as he could, his mind racing. One thought trumped over all of them: Will Winter be okay? 

As he pulled into Winter's driveway, he saw that Christopher's car was already there. Panicked, he got out and ran into the house. The door was already unlocked, fortunately. He heard screaming from upstairs and followed the sounds. 

As he turned the corner to the hallway, Lucas's eyes widened. He saw Summer struggling against Christopher, who had her hands pulled behind her back and his hand clamped over her mouth and nose. Summer's chest rose and fall faster than normal, struggling for breath. Lucas began to fight Christopher, trying to free Summer from his grasp. Suddenly, he saw a door down the hallway swing open and Winter appeared. Lucas tried to gesture for her to go back into hiding, but it was too late. Christopher had seen her. 

Summer crumpled to the ground, passing out. Lucas looked shocked, and then his heart raced because he knew Winter was next. He ran to Christopher, kicking Christopher's legs out from underneath him. Winter's mouth dropped and she stepped back to avoid the fighting. 

Lucas punched Christopher, and his nose began to bleed. Lucas grinned at this and punched him again. Christopher finally got up and took Winter captive. He pulled out a pocket knife and held it to her throat. 

"Take one more step and she dies," Christopher threatened. 

"You won't kill her," Lucas said. 

"And why not?" Christopher asked angrily. 

"You need her," Lucas pointed out. "If you didn't, you wouldn't have done this much to take her and Summer captive." 

"Then I'll hurt her," Christopher said instead. "I may need her, but not in one piece." 

"Lucas," Winter gasped. "Just leave. I'll handle this." 

"No!" Lucas yelled, tears forming. "I won't let you go, not this time! I won't let him take you again!" 

"He won't," a voice said. Christopher suddenly fell the ground and Winter was released from his grasp. Lucas gasped when he saw the person who had stabbed Christopher. 

"Andrew?" Lucas asked. 

"Who's Andrew?" Winter asked. Summer sat up, conscious again. 

"Lucas's brother," Andrew replied. He had hair that was just a bit darker than Lucas's, and his locks were just a bit longer. He was very tall, probably a good five inches taller than Lucas. Winter noticed that the two looked very alike, only Andrew had emerald green instead of blue eyes. "I was coming to see him because I've been away at college for so long. But I saw him leave the house with a panicked look on his face. I followed him here, hoping that I could help him. And then I saw this happen. He was threatening to kill the girl that my little brother obviously loves, so I had to take care of him." 

"You saved me, too," Summer said, smiling. 

Winter made her way to Lucas's arms. "Never let me go," she whispered. 

Lucas whispered back, "I won't." 

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