Chapter 20

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Christopher grabbed the gun from Lucas, attempting to wrestle it away from him. Lucas fought hard, but Christopher eventually got the gun from him. Lucas pushed his silence towards the gun, knowing that it wouldn't work under his magic. Christopher raised the gun and pulled the trigger, but nothing came out. He looked for bullets. He saw that it was fully loaded, but nothing was coming out.

"What did you do?" Christopher screamed.

"Where is Winter?" Lucas yelled back.

"I'll never tell you," Christopher said, glancing at the door. Lucas caught sight of the subtle glance and turned, running towards the door. He kept his silence focused on the gun to keep it from killing him. He opened the door and closed it, locking the door and pushing a bookcase in front of it. Winter sat up, awake now that the sedative had worn off.

"Lucas?" she asked. Lucas's eyes lit up when he saw her.

"Winter, we have to go," he exclaimed. He grabbed her arm and started taking her upstairs.

"What's going on?" Winter asked.

"I'll explain in the car," Lucas said. He opened up the door to his car and pushed her in. Then he ran out to his door and shut ot behind him. He saw Christopher run out with the gun. He quickly drove away, pushing on the gas as hard as he could. He pulled out his phone and handed it to Winter.

"Open my phone," he ordered. "The code is 5-2-2-9." Winter quickly punched in the passcode. "Now go to the voice recorder and click on the very first voice recording listed. Turn up the volume. You'll want to hear this." Winter clicked on the recording and began listening.


"Hey, Boss, it's Christopher."

"Did you get the girl?"

"Of course. Let's just say that I'm her hero right now."

"As long as she trusts you enough to get her over here."

"Oh, she doesn't need to trust me anymore. Sleeping Beauty is passed out."

"Well done, Christopher."

"Anyways, I'll be taking her to you now. See you in a few minutes, Boss."

Winter gasped as the recording ended. "You were right," Winter whispered. "He was evil all along. He sold me out. You were right."

"Winter, I'm sure he loves you," Lucas said, trying to make Winter feel better. "He's just scared of you now."

"Yeah, right," Winter scoffed. "If I would've been awake, I would've cut him. I would've killed him. I want to rip his throat out and make him eat i-"

"Winter!" Lucas exclaimed. Winter's cheeks reddened as she stopped talking. "I know you're mad, but we need to focus on getting you to safety right now."

"Shut up," Winter growled. "You don't need to take care of me."

"Clearly I do," Lucas exclaimed.

Winter turned in her seat. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that you were just kidnapped and drugged by your boyfriend," Lucas yelled.

"So?" Winter screamed. "I can take care of myself, Lucas."

"You're naïve, Winter!" Lucas exclaimed. "I gave you all of the evidence that Christopher was evil, and you didn't believe me. God, you're like a fairytale character. You believe that everyone is just naturally good."

"Let me out of the car," Winter ordered.

"No," Lucas said, continuing to drive.

Winter scowled and flipped the lock on her door to the unlocked side. She unbuckled her seat belt and opened the door, tumbling out of the car.

"Winter!" Lucas screamed. He slammed on the brakes and got out of the car. He ran over to her side. She had scrapes covering her body, and a few of them were bleeding.

"I told you to let me out of the car," Winter whispered. She sat up and brushed herself off.

"Winter," Lucas started.

"Get off of me," Winter hissed, pushing his hand off of her shoulder. She got up off the road and began walking down the street. Lucas noticed that it had started snowing around them.

"Winter!" Lucas yelled. "Come back!"

"Why?" Winter asked. "So I can just let you take care of me? I don't need you, Lucas."

"Damn it, Winter!" Lucas exclaimed. He began walking fast towards her. When he caught up to her, he grabbed her arm to turn around. He cupped his hands around her face and pressed his lips against her. Winter sunk into the kiss, feeling the warmth of his lips on hers.

When they pulled away, Winter was breathless. "I don't need you," she whispered.

Lucas looked deep into her eyes. "But I need you," he whispered back.

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