Chapter 1

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Sunlight poured into the dark room when Winter opened the blue curtains. She smiled when she saw her sister, Summer, coming back into the house after her morning jog. I don't know how she gets up that early and exercises that much, Winter thought as she turned away from the window.

After getting dressed, Winter headed into the kitchen to get some breakfast. She gasped when she saw the balloons that flooded the kitchen. "Happy birthday!" her mom and dad shouted. Summer was already at the table, staring at the candle sticking out of her pancakes.

"It's your sixteenth birthday, Winter," Vanessa said.

"I know, Mom," Winter interrupted.

"And," her mom went on, "we wanted to do something special for our favorite twins."

"Thanks, mom," Summer said, "but you really didn't have to."

"No, Summer, we did," Mark said to his daughter. "We felt so bad about not being there for you girls before. We've been so busy with work and we never really paid attention. So now we want to make up for it."

"Dad." Winter sat down in front of her stack of pancakes. "Thank you."

Vanessa and Mark went to go talk in the living room, so Summer leaned over to talk to her sister.

"What do you think they really wanted?" Summer asked. "I can tell they don't feel bad. Mom and especially Dad never feel bad about anything. There must be another motive that they don't want us to know about."

"I have no idea," Winter said, blowing out her candle.


When Winter got home from school later that day, she headed down to the basement to get a new book from the library. She scanned the book shelves lining the basement walls, trying to find a book that caught her eye.

Without even knowing it, Winter turned around and went to the last shelf, feeling a strange connection to that shelf. She felt drawn to one of the books, titled "The Secret of the Amulet".

She took the book back up to her room, shutting the door behind her. She cracked the book open, staring at the words written on the page.

Wait a second, she thought. This isn't a book. It's a journal.

Winter started to read the words written on the page. She had a strange feeling about the journal, but she felt as if she should continue reading.

"I have just discovered something strange about this new house me and my wife, Victoria, just bought. There was a jewelry box left in the master bedroom. I thought it was just junk, so I went to throw it out. But when I picked it up, I heard a rattling sound. There was something in it. I opened the box, and inside was an amulet.

"When I picked up the amulet, it began to glow. I dropped the amulet like it was a hot potato. It immediately stopped glowing as soon as it left my hand. I leaned down and carefully picked up the amulet again. It had a soft, blue glow. I studied it closely; it seemed normal, except for the glowing. And the strangest part? It only glowed in my hand.

"I couldn't figure out what this amulet was. Was it magic? An illusion? I was curious; I had to get answers.

"So I went to the only person I could think of: Julian. He was rumored to know everything. He was the Wizard of Oz of Michigan. So I ventured over to his house.

"When I got to his house, he was already waiting on the porch for me. 'Michael McKnight. I have been waiting for you,' he said. 'You knew I was coming?' I asked. 'I see everything,' he said. Which was ironic, since he was actually blind.

"'You've come seeking answers,' he said, 'and I can provide them.' 'Yes,' I said. 'I need to know about this amulet.'

"Julian peered closely, which was odd to see a blind man do. 'Ah, yes. The amulet that came from Emma,' he said. 'Emma? Who's Emma?' I asked. 'She is a very powerful sorceress. She created this amulet, and chose your family to wield its power,' Julian said.

"'Power? What power?' I asked astonished. 'Magical power, of course,' Julian explained. 'You'll need to learn to control your abilities, but it won't take long. Then you'll-'

"'No,' I interuppted. 'No. My wife has a child coming along. I can't take care of Mark and learn to control magical powers! You've got to help me, Julian.'

"Julian stroked his long beard. 'I suppose I can help. For a price,' he finally said. 'Anything,' I pleaded. 'When your son, Mark, grows up, he will wed a beautiful woman named Vanessa. She will give him two children -- a set of twins -- and they will be named Winter and Summer."

Winter gasped and dropped the book onto her bed. This was Grandpa's journal, she thought. After a long pause, she finally picked up the journal with shaking hands.

"'I want you to bring them to me on their sixteenth birthday. This is when they will gain magical abilities. When you bring them to me, I will train them to wield their powers. They will eventually grow to protect the world from all evils.'

"'My granddaughters? Protect the world? You've ought to be crazy!' I said. 'I am not crazy,' Julian insisited. 'I see all.'

"'You're blind!' I exclaimed.
"'I don't see physically,' Julian said. 'I see magically. I see the future. I can control and change the future. But if you don't receive your powers now, then your granddaughters must.'

"'I don't understand. Please, there has to be another way,' I pleaded.

"'There isn't,' Julian insisted. 'Your family is destined to contain the powers of the amulet. If your granddaughters do not recieve the powers you are choosing to give up, then the amulet will fall into the wrong hands. The world will be doomed.'

"'Okay!' I exclaimed. 'Yes. My granddaughters will take the powers,' I said, desperate. 'Fantastic. I will see you many years from now,' Julian said ominously.

"I know it was stupid of me to seal my unborn granddaughters' fates like that. But I had to protect my son, not the world. And I shall never tell my family about this, at least, not until they're ready."

Winter set the book down on her dresser shakily. What does this all mean? she thought. Suddenly, she heard a doorbell ring. Then she heard her father's voice shouting across the house.

"Winter, Summer!" he yelled. "Your grandfather is here!"

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