Special Chapter 7

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Special Chapter 7

"Good morning" I greeted one of the maids when I entered the living room. She smiled and greeted me back.

"Is Yongguk oppa here?" I asked looking around. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning, I had lunch and dinner all by myself.

"No, but he left you a note on the fridge" I nodded and went to the kitchen, greeting other older maids in process. I've been living with my brother for a while and I got pretty close with the maids. Even Yongguk became nicer to them which makes them more comfotable around him.

After a short talk with them, I notice the note on the fridge.

"Hey Lee Na, I'll be away for 2-3 days because of work. I left you money in case you need something. You have my number, so if anything happens, call me okay?

By the way, Youngjae and Daehyun will pay you a visit tonight so you won't be alone.

Love, Yongguk.''

I couldn't help but smile. It feels so good to have an older brother.

"Mrs.Lee, have you eaten yet?" I asked our oldest maid.

"No darling, I haven't. I need to go to clean the-"

"Do you want to eat with me first?" I asked, not wanting to eat by myself again. She gave me a smile and nodded.


We ate ramen in silence, but a comfotable one. We had a short talk about her family, when she suddenly mentioned her daughter.

"My daughter has a beautiful child" She began. "And these days she's been looking for someone to take care of her because she has to work"

"What about her husband?"

"They divorced before she was born"

"What's her name?"

"My daughters name is Mina and she named her child after our grandmother, Eunbi"

"It's such a nice name" I said, but I had something else in my mind. "So, she's looking for a nanny?"

"Yeah, do you know anyone who's good with kids? Age is not important"

"Can I give it a shot?" She seemed suprised by my question at first, but after a few seconds she chuckled.

"Sure, why not? She took a break from work, but she's starting again this Friday. Are you free then?"

"Yeah, thanks" I smiled to her as I finished my breakfast.

"Oh by the way" I was about to go upstairs, but I stopped when I remembered something. "You don't have to cook dinner today. Some friends are coming over so I will cook"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll go to my room now" I walked to my room slowly, feeling tired even tho I didn't do anything. I threw myself on the bed with a sigh.

I was excited to see Youngjae and Daehyun since I haven't seen them for so long. Thinking about them, Kihyun came to my mind. The excited grin disappeared from my face as I remembered what happened the last time. I wished to see him again, just for a second. I buried my head in my knees that I held tightly, letting the pain out. Comfotable silence in my room was replaced with muffled sobs. Yongguk would be mad if he knew that I was still crying over Kihyun, but I couldn't help it.

If we could only go back to the day when we first met in his house. I wouldn't change anything - everything was perfect. Our fights, his cooking skills and definetly his love for chicken. At least I had him close back then.

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