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I walked in my house after taking a small walk and buying some things for Lee Na. I saw her lying in the couch and making some faces.

"Hey" I lightly shook her shoulder,but she didn't wake up. She began sweating,making me worry.

"Hey, wake up!" I said a bit louder. She opened her eyes and sat down while looking around confused.

"What happened to you? Did you have a nightmare?" I asked.

"N-No" She shook her head and looked at me.

"What is it then? You were sweating like crazy!"

"Forget it. What time is it?"

"12PM. I woke up earlier so I went to buy some things we might need" I said and went to take some bags.

"We?" She repeated.


"This is what you will wear when my mom comes" I said while showing her some clothes. "My mom hates short dresses"

"Kihyun" She called.

"Then, these shoes, I think they will fit y-"

"Kihyun" She raised her voice. I stopped talking and waited for her to speak.

"People are still looking after me. Who knows whats in Yongguk's mind right now.I can't think of your mom" She said. She had a point.

"You're right" I said and put down the clothes. I sat next to her and caressed her back,trying to make her feel better. "We will think of something"

"If they find me-"

"Stop there" I cut her off. "I don't want to hear it. I won't let them take you away"

"But why? Why do you want me to stay with you all of a sudden? Don't you remember how you treated me when I first came here?" She asked with hurtful eyes.

"You were a stranger who came into my house! What was I suppost to do?"

"Look better" She replied. "Its not like I wanted you to support me.I only wanted you to understand me"

"Now I do. I'm sorry okay? I know I wasn't a good support. I shouldn't have let you leave that day" I said. I didn't know anything about her when I first saw her. I thought she was just a girl with a bored life. But I was wrong. She made me think a lot. She wasn't that bad at all. Its the first time I was mistaken about someone.

"I left on my own" She said while looking at her hands. "I was fine by myself"

"Don't lie. It was hard for you,admit it. Also,you didn't find a place to stay at. You can't lie me" I smirked. The look in her eyes said enough.

"Actually" I suddenly said."I wanted to bring you to Minhyuk's house"

"Really?" She asked with a suprised look. "Bu-"

"He said it was fine.It was his idea,not mine" I cut her off.

"Thats so sweet of him" She smiled.

"Whatever" I rolled his eyes annoyed. I shouldn't have mentioned him.

"But you had to leave without waking me up.I quess I was cute while sleeping"

She blushed and looked away."No you weren't''

"Like I'm going to believe in that" I loved her blushing face. She looked so cute.

"What now?" She asked quietly.

"I don't know.We'll just have to hide"

"Sorry you're in danger because of me.If something happens to you, I won't ever forgive myself, I-"

"I don't care if something happens to me. To me,its only important that you are safe" I said and kissed my forehead. I won't let anyone touch her,especially not that guy. "Nothing will happen to me,don't worry"

"Why are you being so sweet?" She asked and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Because I care about you" I said softly and put my arm around her shoulder. I had to make her feel protected.I knew I liked her too much. That lettter she wrote me was still in my mind. If I tell her I feel the same,will she accept my feelings?

"Would you leave if I tell you how I really feel?" I suddenly asked.

"Depends on what you feel" She replied a bit coldly. Were my feelings for her that obvious? I decided to finally tell her.

"I like you" I said while looking at her. I thought she will say those words back. She confessed me first on that letter,why was she so quiet all of a sudden?

"Lets just stay like this" She said coldly.

"You don't feel the same way?" I asked a bit confused.

"I'm sorry"

Why did she lie to me? I blinked a few times in confusion. Maybe she just didn't want to admit it. Maybe she was scared of being hurt. I decided to keep quiet for a little time. If that will make her feel better,then I'll pretend like none of this happened.

I faked a laugh."Its okay, I understand"

"I'm going to eat" She quickly walked out and went to the kitchen. I knew it. She liked me too,but she didn't want to say it. I'll give her space if thats what she wants. But I can't hide my feelings forever.

"I'm such an idiot" I heard her saying as I walked into the kitchen.

"Don't say that.I'm too lazy to cook,should we order something?" I asked,trying to act normal.

"Sure" I took our my phone,dialed my favourite restoraunt and ordered a pizza.

"What should we do now?" I asked.

"Wait" She replied as I sat down next to her.

"Just because I like you doesn't mean our relationship will change. I want us to stay the same way" I said after a long silence. "I wouldn't confess if I knew you will be this awkward with me"

"I'm just confused okay? Nothing will change,I can assure you" As she finished talking,someone knocked on the door.

"Pizza is here" I said and went to open the door. I paid and took the pizza.

"It smells good" I commented as I walked in and put it on the table. She took only one slice and ate it slowly while I was stuffing my mouth with it.

"You're not hungry?" I asked after I swallowed.

"No" She replied shortly.I nodded and continued eating,not wanting to bother her with questions. Suddenly,she got up and walked away. I sighed in frustration. She really felt bad being next to me. While I was putting the dishes in a dish washer,the lights went out.

"K-Kihyun?" Lee Na called scared.

"Wait a second" I said and found a lamp.

"Kihyun!" She screamed all of a sudden. I quickly ran to the living room. The lamp didn't turn on,so I was in  complete dark.

"Kihyun!Help me" She cried. I could feel that she was close. I was walking in the dark until something hit me hard in the head,making me fall.

"Yongguk is here" I heard her whisper before I fainted.


I'm so fast lol

-more drama from the next chapter-

Tell me,what do you think will happen?


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