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I opened my eyes when I felt something heavy on me.

"W-What i-is t-this?" I stuttered.

"I missed you" He smirked."I told you you can't run away from me"

I tried to push him,but I failed.He held my hands tightly and laughed at my face.Tears streamed down my face as he kissed my neck.

"Let me go!" I yelled through my tears.

"Thats a no-no" He whispered in my ear.Shivers went down my spine as I got more scared of him.

"Kihyun!" I screamed,hoping he will come and save me.

"Aren't you cute?" Yongguk smirked."He won't save you.He could't even help himself" My eyes widened when I realized what he was talking about.

"No,no,no" I said shaking my head.This is not happening,no.

"You will be with me forever" He said.

"Let me go" I begged and closed my eyes.

Tell me this is a nightmare.

"Hey,hey!" I felt someone shaking me and yelling.I found myself sitting and breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?" Kihyun sat next to me and covered me with a blanket."You were screaming and crying,did you have a bad dream?"

I stared at him blankly for few minutes."Kihyun" I whispered and hugged him.I buried my head in his neck and tried to calm down."You're alive" I said and held him tightly.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked confused.

"It doesn't matter.Wait" I quickly pushed him when I realized what I did.He fell from the bed and rubbed his head.I stared down at my hands embarassed.

"That was cute" He laughed and sat next to me."Until you pushed me of course"

"When did you come back?"

"Few minutes ago.What did you dream?"

"Yongguk" I replied.I could still feel his breath on my neck.It all seemed so real.

"You need to stop being scared of him"

"I'm tired,I want to sleep" I said and laid back.

"Me too" He said and laid next to me.I was still embarassed because of the hug.

"Does Minhyuk know why I am here?" I asked.

"Actually,yes.I told him because I knew he will understand" I nodded and sighed.

"Did you live here alone before I came?" I asked curious.I saw all of those pictures before I went to bed.I knew she lived here,she had lots of pictures inside the house.

His face became white as he stared at me."Yes"

"Are you okay?" I asked worried.He shook his hand and stood up.He walked out of the room without saying anything.I blinked few times confused.He must be sick or something.I got up and followed him.I found him sitting on the couch.I sat next to him quietly.I tried to think of the right words.I couldn't tell him about the girl,he seemed upset with my guestion earlier.I didn't want him to be sad.

"Do you want chicken?" I asked all of a sudden.

"Now?You would cook for me even if its late?" He said and looked at me suprised.

"If that will make you feel better,yes" I smiled and stood up."Lets go" I said and held my hand.

"Okay" He took my hand and lead me to kitchen.He sat on the chair as I started preparing.

"Why are you so nice tonight?"

"I just want to be a friend with you" I replied.It wasn't fully a lie,one part of me wanted to be a friend with him.

"Are you lying?"

"Why would I lie?" I laughed."Here" I put his chicken on the table and watched carefully as he ate.

"I know I'm handsome" He smirked.I stuck out my tongue and looked away.

"You're not" I defended.

"Then why did you stare at me?"

"Because that chicken looks good"

"Yeah right"

"You need to go to supermarket tomorrow" I said.

"Why me?"

"Because I can't go out,remember?I can't risk"

"You can just put a mask or something" He replied annoyed.I stared at him in disbelief.

"Or I can just go out and let Yongguk see me.I'll make sure to visit you every week" I said harshly and stood up."I hope you choke" I walked out from the kitchen and went into the bedroom.

"Thank you!" He yelled.I laid on the bed and sighed.I tried to be nice to him,but it didn't work.He can't understand me at all.When I heard his footsteps,I quickly closed my eyes and hugged myself becaue it was cold.

"Aish" I heard him."So stupid" He commented.I felt him covering me with a blanket."I will go tomorrow morning,so don't worry"

He laid on the bed next to me.I smiled at how sweet he could be sometimes.


"I don't know it is safe to leave you alone,so I called Minhyuk" He said and put on his jacket.

"Really?" I asked excited."I'll try not to look stupid in front of him this time"

"Good luck with that" He laughed."I'm out.Lock the door,he will be here in 5 minutes" I nodded and waited for him to get out.Once he left,I locked the door and walked into the kitchen.I ate breakfast until I heard a knock.

"Its Minhyuk!" Someone yelled from the outside.I smiled and opened the door for him.

"Hey" I let him in and closed the door.

"Are you hungry?"

"No,I just ate" He threw himself on the couch and smiled at me.

"I need to ask you few things since you know Kihyun better"

"Okay" He nodded.

"Did someone live here with him?"

"Yes" He replied.

"A girl?" I asked again.


"What was she to him?"

"Why are you asking me all this?How do you know it?" I went to the kitchen and showed him her pictures.

"Minhi" He murmured under his breath.

"Who was she,Minhyuk?"

"She was really special to Kihyun" He said while putting her pictures back in the box."But thats all I can tell you.He should tell you the rest"

"He won't tell me a thing.Thanks anyways" I smiled.

"Don't ask him too much about her,he'll get sad"

"I noticed" I said.

"Who did you run away from?" He suddenly asked.

"His name is Yongguk" I replied.

"I know that,but why?Maybe he liked you so he wanted to marry you"

"No thanks!" I yelled.He jumped a little and stared at me wide-eyes."Sorry" I apologized."I don't want to know anything about him.Lets talk about something else.Want to watch a movie or something?"

"Sure!" He smiled as we sat on the couch.Through the whole movie I kept thinking about that girl.I needed to know more about her.

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