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I closed the door with a heavy sigh. I took off my shoes and went to the living room.

"Where were you?" He asked when he noticed me coming.

"I was outside" I replied and walked to our room. I heard him following me,but I didn't have the strenght to turn around.


"What is all this about?" I asked.

"I can't explain right now,she's here" He said and looked back for the 100th time.

"Who is she Kihyun? Is she the reason you're here?" I asked,holding back my tears. He stared at me coldly without saying anything. It felt like we were on start again, he had the same look like when we first met.

"Answer me!" I yelled as tears rolled down my cheeks. "What is going on? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Lee Na,stop making a scene" He said when people started looking at us. I stared at him in disbelief.


"Go home" He said and turned around. He started walking away from me,but I couldn't call him or run after him. I let him go.

>>End of flashback<<

I laid on my bed and covered myself,feeling cold and broken. I heard him closing the door and sitting on the bed.

"Why did you come so late?" He asked softly. I closed my eyes without giving him an answer. I couldn't go home so I spent the whole day walking around.

"Will you answer me?" He asked a bit louder.

"Please" I whispered on the edge of breaking apart again. "Let me take a rest"

The room was silent for few minutes until he stood up and covered me with another blanket."Are you still cold?"

I shook my head and smiled weakly at him. "Thank you"

"Sleep well" He said and turned off the light. He went to the bathroom to take a shower,leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I didn't know what Kihyun was doing. I thought he came to Japan for me,but I was wrong. What he said wasn't meant for me - I wasn't the reason he came. I was decieved. Everything was too good to be true. Yoo Kihyun,the one who hated me from the start,coming this far because of me? I should've known I was never worth his time. I wanted to believe it wasn't real,but then I remember his clod stare. Did I do something wrong so he got mad at me? I was blaming myself for everything even tho I did nothing.

"Lee Na,are you sleeping?" Yongguk asked as he laid beside me.

"No" I replied quietly.

"What happened?"

I didn't know what to say to him. Should I open up to someone who almost killed me?

"I won't hurt you. I'm trying to be nice to you and fix everything,but I can't do it without you" He said like he was reading my mind. "Can we start again?"

I turned around and nodded."Yeah,lets start again"


"Morning" I said cheerfully.

"What is all this about?" He asked and sat down.

"I couldn't sleep so I got up early and madr breakfast"

"Join me"

"I already ate" I lied. "Enjoy your meal"

I went to the living room and sat dowm,feeling weak. I took my phone and saw a message from Kihyun.

Where are you?

"Will you ignore it?" Yongguk asked all of a sudden,making me jump.

"You scared me" I said as he sat next to me.


"Did you eat already?" I asked.

"I packed it since I have to go to work,I'll eat on my way there. Thanks for it. You should talk to him"

"Have fun" I waved as he walked out. When I was about to turn off my phone vibrated. It was Kihyun. I stared at it,not knowing should I answer or not. I wanted to hear his side of the story,but then,I was afraid he'll lie and I'll fall for them.

I rejected his call,but in next 25 minutes he was calling me. When I got annoyed,I answered.

"Will you stop calling me Kihyun?" I yelled.

"Calm down woman" A female voice replied.

"Excuse me?"

"You must be Song Lee Na,Kihyun's ex"

My jaw clenched at her words? Kihyun's what?

"I don't know who do you think you are,but-"

''I'm Yoo Kihyun's girlfriend Kim Hyo Jae"

"I don't care" I said and hung up. I threw my phone on the wall and watched it breaking. I thought I didn't have the strenght to cry,but I was wrong.


"Can I ask you something?" Yongguk asked and sat next to me.

"Sure" I replied.

"While unpacking my things,did you find something weird?" He asked suspiciosly.

I looked away and shook my head. "No"

"Lie someone else" He said angrily."Why did you hide it?"

"Why did you take it?" I asked back and looked at him.

"Thats none of your business. Now give it back to me"

"No!" I yelled. "Yo-"

"Give it back!" He yelled and slapped me. I held my left cheek as hot tears streamed down my face.

"Lee Na,I-"

"And I thought we were fine" I stood up and walked to our room. I slammed the door and threw myself on the bed. I thought we were done with hitting,slapping and yelling. I wanted to give him a chance because it seemed like he changed.

"Lee Na" He called and walked in. I didn't say anything as he laid beside me.

"I didn't mean it"

"Don't talk to me" I said harshly.


"Stop talking to me or I'll leav-"

"Don't leave" He cut me off.

"Then stop" I said.

"Okay,but I want you to know that I'm sorry"

"I'll sleep in the quest room" I said and walked out while holding my pillow. I laid on the bed and hugged myself. I didn't have the strenght to think anymore. I was exhausted from crying so I fell asleep quickly.


I promised I'll update ^_^


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