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"Are you cold?" He asked as he sat by me. "Should I hug you to make you warm?"

"If you're going to hug me,then I'm cold" I said as I smiled sweetly at him.

He laughed and hugged me tightly. I laid my head on his shoulder as his hand sneaked around my waist.

"That tickles" I giggled. In that moment,my phone rang. I took it and answered the call.

"Where the hell are you?" Yongguk asked angrily.

"Sorry,I forgot to-"

"Where are you? I'll come pick you up" He said.

"I'll come home tonight" I said and hung up.

"You forgot to tell him you're with me" Kihyun said with a sigh.

"When is that girl coming back?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning. Will you tell Yongguk about me?"

"Will you tell her about me?"

"If I tell her,everything will be ruined. Lets just see each other whenever we have a chance. What will you do with Yongguk? He is your brother after all"

"I need a proof. But it all had sence,you know. No wonder my mom hated me"

"If it means anything to you,you have me" He said as he kissed my cheek. "I don't want you to go"

"I don't want to,but I have to"

"I'll miss you" He pouted.

"I'll miss you too" We stayed in each others arms for few minutes,enjoying the silence. I couldn't stay mad at him for living with that girl,he had a good reason for it. It was nice spending the night with him. We talked about things that happened while we were separated,how hard it was for him to lie to me and the fact that Yongguk is my brother. I missed having him so close to me,but I knew it won't last for a long time.

"I really need to go now" I said and stood up. "I'll,uhm,see you around?"

"What time is Yongguk going to work?" He asked while following me to his door.

"Around 9 o'clock. Why?" I asked as I put on my jacket.

"I'll visit you whenever I have a chance to" He smiled. His smile made my heart ache. I didn't want to go at all.

"Please do that. I'm going now. Bye Kihyun" I hugged him one more time and waved as I walked out. I knew he was watching me,but I didn't mind it. I walked slowly to the bus station while remembering I had to talk with Yongguk. I sighed as the bus came.


I opened the door and took of my shoes. I walked inside the living room quietly in case he was asleep.

"Look who remembered her brother" He said while coming from the kitchen,making me jump.

"You scared me" I said while looking down.

"Were you with Kihyun?" He asked as he sat down. He patted the sat beside him,but I said on the couch across him.

"I quess thats yes" He said after I didn't say anything. I don't know why I was scared of him. I didn't have the courage to look into his dark eyes.

"You are still scared of me" He said quietly.

"I-I don't know whats wrong with m-me" I replied with a shaky voice. "I can't accept the fact that I'm married to my brother"

"I talked to parents" He said,making me finally look at him. "They want to meet you"

I nodded and sighed. Did I want to meet them after all?

"Since they are in Korea,we'll go back there an-"

"No!" I cut him off. I didn't want to go back now when I was closer to Kihyun. I didn't want to lose him again.

"Why? You like it here?" He asked suprised.

"Yes,I do" Just becauss he is here.

"Your mom called me this morning. She was looking for you"

My face turned cold at his words. "I don"t care. It's not like she's my mom anyway"

"You should still talk to her. Lets go to bed now,it's late"

"You go first" I said. He nodded and went to out bedroom. I laid on the couch and hugged myself. I didn't want to sleep in the same room with him. When I felt my phone vibrate,I took it out and smiled at the message of him.

Are you alone now? Can I call you?

I send him a "yes" because I really wanted to hear his voice before falling asleep. I found a blanket and covered myself as I answered his call.

"Baby" He called. "I miss you"

"Don't be so loud,he might hear you" I reminded.

"Were you sleeping? Did I wake you up?" He asked worried.

"No,I was just about to sleep"

"Do you want me to sing for you to sleep?"


Kihyun's POV

I need your warmth
It tells me that I'm doing right
I need you
I need you

Hold my hand and draw a circle
We shared this much together
All of my heart is by your side
Your dream is by mine

Living and enduring
If we are together it's a little bit happier
It connects again without an end
Can't live with you

Even when I close my eyes I can feel you and your warmth
We are right next to each other, just a step away
You are my companion
You give me comfort
I'm with you.

You are the courage
That gives me strenght to live again
I will believe in you because
You will lend me your shoulder and empathize with me

I smiled knowing she was asleep already.

"Sleep well baby" I whispered and hung up. I hugged my pillow and fell asleep while thinking of her.


I almost forgot to update lol


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