Chapter 9 (Pic of Yasmine)

Start from the beginning

I nodded my head in acknowledgement. "Miss Devareaux."

"Heaven, you know better. It's either Yasmine or Yas, although I often prefer Yas," she scolded as she rolled her eyes. She turned to Tristan who was watching our exchange with amusement glittering in his eyes. "Notre mère et père veulent te voir maintenant." [Our mother and father want to see you now]

Instantly, Tristan's eyes darkened and a scowl replaced the smirk that was present on his lips. Landon glared at Yasmine who was utterly oblivious to the obvious and suffocating tension.

Tristan growled. "Que veulent-ils ?" [What do they want?]

Landon sighed and tiredly rubbed his face, having been through the routine already. "Ils veulent juste parler, Tristan." [They just want to talk, Tristan.]

"Je ne veux pas parler à eux ! Jamais ! Tu voulais au barbecue, je suis ici mais je ne vais pas parler pour eux." [I don't want to talk to them! Ever! You wanted me at the barbeque, I am here but I will not talk to them.]

Yasmine stepped forward, a frown marring the beauty of her face. "Tristan....."

Rage enveloped Tristan. I knew for a fact that once he was like this, there was nothing that would get him to calm down.

"Fin de la discussion, Yasmine!" [End of discussion, Yasmine!] Tristan all but bellowed causing Yasmine flinch and Landon to glare at him.

He ignored his siblings and looked at me. "Put her down," he ordered. Immediately, I placed Cherish to stand on her legs on the ground and stared silently at Tristan. He grabbed my hand, sending tingles up and down my arm. "Come with me," he said as he pulled me behind him.

He pushed past the crowds of people that were in attendance for the barbeque, some stopping to glare at him while others ignored us. Tristan made his way out of the back yard, past the kitchen and the living room, heading straight upstairs to the bedrooms. He opened a door and barged inside. I barely squeezed through the doorframe before he slammed the door shut behind me.

This room was an exact replica of the one at his house, the one in which I spent that sleepless night. The only thing that was missing was the view of the vineyard. Instead, the view was of a serene lake behind the Devareaux castle.

Tristan sat on the bed, his hands holding his head. The silence was unbearable. I wanted to comfort him but I didn't know how. Besides, something told me to let him have this moment to himself so I stood by the door awkwardly wringing my hands together to fight the boredom that was threatening to invade my mind.

"Etes-vous d'accord?" [Are you okay?] I asked.

Tristan's body slightly stiffened before he held up his head to look at me. He was still angry, that much was evident in his eyes but there was a hint of curiousness as well.

"You speak French, Heaven?"

I shot him a small smile and nodded my head. "Some but I'm fluent in Spanish. I thought you knew that."

He chuckled and turned his eyes away from me. "Why do you always assume that I know everything?"

"Because you do. That's what your company is for. Its business is to know everything."

He looked at me and I could feel the anger dissipating. "It does feel weird not knowing that you speak some French."

His eyes lost the amusement which was replaced by a sudden coldness and his face turned serious. I knew that I was standing in the presence of the Tristan who liked to be in control. This was 'all business and no play' Tristan.

"Did you understand that conversation?" He asked.

I stood up straight and held my hands in front of me. I knew exactly what he wanted. That conversation was to go no further than the three siblings. "No I did not, Mr. Devareaux."

"Good. Keep it that way." He stood up from the bed and made his way over to me. "They will probably be wondering where we are. We've been up here for too long. Let's get you something to eat."

I nodded my head and silently grabbed his hand as he held it out to me. As soon as we left the bedroom, we made our way back to the barbeque. The heavenly aroma of food hit my nostrils and I happily breathed in the scent. It was absolutely mouth watering. I couldn't wait to try some of the food.

Just as we were about to step through the double glass doors that led to the backyard, Tristan suddenly cursed out loud and ducked behind me.

"What? Tristan....."

He covered my mouth with his hands and pulled me closer to him. "How did she find me? Is she stalking me or something?"

I looked up to the direction he was looking at. I had to pick up my jaw from the ground. Standing ten feet away, happily chirping and chattering to some high level people and spoiled heirs and heiresses was Alexis Vanderpool. She looked gorgeous, all decked out in a floor length neon orange, halter dress. The only thought that crossed my mind, though, was why the heck would someone wear a floor length dress to a barbeque?

A small smirk graced my lips. I had to give it to her. The woman did not know how to give up. "It's not hard to stalk you, Tristan. I mean, your face is plastered all over the newspapers and magazines."

His breath tickled my back. "Did she not get the hint?" He growled.

I looked over my shoulder, my eyes full of curiousness. "You never called her back, did you? No wonder she's stalking you. She wants her one night stand! What, do you have blue balls or something?"

Tristan glared at me and I resisted the urge to smirk. This was his fault. "Do not let that thought cross your mind, Heaven."

I released a breathy chuckle. "Too late. You wanted her on Tuesday night, what's the difference now? She's probably stalking your Facebook, checking your status and mooning over your pictures. After all, you have more than a thousand and something likes on just one profile picture."

"Are you stalking me, Heaven?"

That did not just come out of his mouth! I glared at him as he smirked at me. The jerk! Oh, I'm going to get him back.

Before Tristan even knew what was happening, I elbowed him in his stomach, releasing his grip on my back and stepped to one side so that he would be completely visible. He was groaning and glaring at me but I blatantly ignored him. I was too focused on my plan. I was going to love this.

I raised my hand and yelled, "Miss Vanderpool, hi!" She turned towards the sound of my voice. "Mr. Devareaux was just looking for you. I believe he wants to speak to you."

I watched as glee engulfed her. Whoa, wasn't someone happy. She took careful strides towards us and it took all I had not to throw up. She tried to look sultry and enticing by swinging her waist and her shoulders all the while flipping her hair. Honestly, it looked like she was in desperate need of a hip replacement and a back brace.

"Heaven," I heard Tristan growl. "I'm going to kill you."

I looked innocently at him through my eyelashes and shot him a sweet smile. "Whatever for, Mr. Devareaux? I was just doing my job. I'm going to get Landon to look over the contract and uh, leave you two to have your fun."

"Hello, Tristan," Alexis purred into his ear. Tristan visibly flinched and I couldn't help but wince as that god awful sound resonated deep into my body. Alexis was oblivious to our reaction. I almost laughed out loud. Tristan looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in her presence. He glared at me and mouthed, "I'm going to kill you."

I turned away, a triumphant smirk on my face. Payback is good!

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