Chapter 50

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Chapter 50:


The smell of pancakes and bacon fills the room as my eyes begin to open. A smile plants on my face as I remember the date; August 13th. I slowly start to get up and check my phone to see a bunch of birthday masseges from people I don't even know. I guess Taylor tweeted out that it's my birthday and they all say it.

She has great and loyal fans.

My smile gets wider as I get out of bed and walk down the hall. I hear laughter downstairs which is where everyone must be. Selena and I are going on a shopping spree today. Honestly, I wish Taylor was coming with us but she says she has stuff to do. Part of me was also sad because I still never got a text back from Alisha.

"Happy birthday, Ali!" Taylor screams as I walk into the kitchen. Everyone starts singing to me and hug me.

I ask, "Are you guys drunk?"

"A little bit," Ed admits with a smile. They were making a whole big deal out of nothing. I laugh and take my seat at the kitchen table. "Are you ready for a fun day?" Ed asks and I nod with a huge grin.

Selena says, "I can't wait to go shopping with you! How about after breakfast you get dressed and we'll leave for the mall? We can get lunch at the food court."

"Sounds good," I say. Even being in Nashville for a few months, I still haven't been to the mall here. I quickly eat my pancakes and bacon that Taylor made for us. As soon as I finish, I run upstairs to pick out at my outfit for the day. After much decision, I chose a teal colored sundress with nude- colored flats.

I just put on some mascara and lip stick for my make-up. As for my hair, I put it up into a ponytail with a cute headband with the same teal color and a bow. I go back downstairs feeling more grown up.

Hey, I'm officially a teenager now.

Selena's waiting for me by the door with her keys and purse already with her. I apologize for taking so long and we leave. Selena's going to be driving since paparazzi isn't that bad in Nashville. It's better than other places, I guess.

Once we get in the car, Selena gives me the AUX cord so I can play whatever music I want. I smile and start shuffling my music. For the next ten minutes, Selena and I jam out to all of the top hits at the moment. Selena really knows her way around Nashville already. Jack and her have been on a few more dates since the first one and they seem to be in love.

Of course, it's probably too early to say that. But, they do really like each and Selena's been really happy. I think Jack is good for her. "Buy whatever you want," Selena says to me. "Don't worry about the prices today."

I smile and we walk into a bunch of different stores trying on a bunch of outfits. We shop at Forever 21, H + M, Express, and Nordstrom. After shopping for two hours, Selena and I pause our shopping trip to eat at the food court. We decide on getting subs from Subway once we get there. "Having fun yet?" Selena asks.

I nod at look at the amount of bags we have. We have a lot, to say the least. To be honest, I feel bad but she told me not too and encouraged me to keep looking for more stuff. "When are we going back?" I ask.

"Whenever. How about we stay for a few more hours? It is only noon after all," she says.

"Sounds good."

And that's just what we did.

We continued going to more stores after giving the car a visit to drop off some bags. Yeah, I have a lot more clothes now but these fit my style better, which is good. "I can't wait to see Taylor," I say and look at my phone for the time.


We've been at the mall for almost six hours. I've never spent so much time at the mall or even shopping in general. "Not Ed?" Selena asks with a laugh as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, him too," I say with a smile.

We arrive at Taylor's apartment a few minutes after four. There's a lot more cars around here then from when we left.

That's strange.

We decide to leave the bags in car for a little bit and just take some of them for now. We're way too tired to take all of them right now. I walk into the apartment and it seems quiet. Selena and I drop the bags in the living room.

Where's Taylor and Ed?

I walk into the dark kitchen and turn the light on.

"SURPRISE!" comes from a bunch of different people as they come out of their hiding spots. I smile and look around the room. Taylor, Ed, Michael, and Alisha were all there including some friends of Taylor's. Karlie Kloss, Lorde (or Ella), and some other girls from Taylor's squad were their.

Tears spring to my eyes but I brush them away as Taylor walks over to me. "Happy birthday, Ali," she says. "How about we have some cake?"

I nod and my smiles grows even more.

This is why Taylor didn't come shopping with Selena and I. She was here preparing all of this while Selena got me out of the house for the last six hours. On a table is a large cakes with presents that people brought for me. We all take a slice and Taylor makes me open presents.

I've never felt so loved.

"You have to have one of my presents first," Taylor says with a sly smile. Then, our mom, dad, and brother walk into the kitchen. I start crying and go over to hug them. Then, one by one I open the present that everyone so graciously brought me.

"Thank you everyone," I say once all of the presents were opened. Presents or no presents, I've never felts to loved and happy.

 I regret hating Taylor for all those years and being so rude to her when I first got here. It's like all I knew how to do was roll my eyes back then! I've grown a lot and learned a lot. But, I'll always be Taylor's lil sis.  

"Wait, there's one more thing that has to be done," Ed says. Taylor looks at Selena and Ed confused. Does she not know what this either? I thought she was in charge of most of this. At least, that's what I was told. He walks over to her and holds her hands. "Taylor, these past few months have been crazy for us. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. All of it is what brought us to where we are."

Taylor has tears in her eyes and no one is expecting what come next.

"Taylor," Ed says and gets on one knee, holding an open box. "Will you marry me?"


omg guysssssssssss

"Lil Sis" is now, officially over which is super sad like what?

I started this over two years ago which is really crazy to think about.  Later today, I'm going to update with some facts about this book and an exciting announcement!  I hope you guys enjoyed this book as much I enjoyed writing it!  

What are your thoughts on the book?  Anything I could do to improve it?  Favorite part?

Okay, I'm about to hit publish which is super sad ahhhhh.

Also, thank you so much for 18.9k reads on this book!  I cannot believe that omg.

Alright, bye guys!


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