Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Selena's POV:

"Hello?" I hear Taylor ask as she answers the phone. Who could that be? Taylor has everyone she knows in her contacts. I hear her wait for a reply. "Wait – Calvin? Why and how are you calling me? I blocked your number," she says.

I look at her and almost burst in flames. I know everything that has happened and what he has done to not just Taylor, but Ali too. I look at Ali and her eyes are super wide. She looks super scared and I don't want her to be. "No! I'm not writing a song with you! Leave me ALONE!" Taylor yells into the phone and hangs up.

Ali looks as if she is about to cry. "The cookies are done," I say softly to her. She seems to be a little better but not really. I grab an oven mitt and take the cookies out. Taylor went into another room, probably to calm down. "When they are cool we can have some," I say.

"Okay," Ali whispers. I feel bad that this has been pretty much ruin. I have to find a way to make it up her even though it was Calvin's fault, not mine. I grab her hand and take her to the living room to find a movie to watch. Taylor must be upstairs because I don't see her anywhere. I put in "Frozen" for here to watch.

"I'm going to go get Taylor, okay?" I ask. Ali nods and watches as the movie starts to play on the TV. I walk upstairs and see the light in the bathroom on and the door closed. That must be where Taylor is. I knock on the door. "Tay?" I ask.

"One second, please," Taylor says.

"Taylor, what are you doing in there? We all know you aren't going to the bathroom," I say to Taylor. Well, actually I'm talking to the bathroom door but you know what I mean. Taylor opens the bathroom door and she is fixing her make-up.

She says, "Ali doesn't need to know I cried."

"As soon as she heard Calvin's name she got super scared, But, Tay, we can't let this ruin her or our night," I say. Taylor nods and finishes her make-up. She nods to let me know she's ready to go downstairs. We walk down and as soon as we are downstairs, Taylor walks to Ali and sits next to her. They hug and Ali lays her head on Taylor's shoulder. I sit on the other side of Ali and we watch the movie with her.

About halfway through the movie, Taylor says, "I'm going to see if the cookies cooled." Ali nods excitedly and everything seems pretty normal with her again. Taylor comes back in with a plate of cookies in her hands. Ali and I start to cheer and Taylor laughs.

"I thought there was one kid the house right now but there must be two," Taylor jokes and Ali laughs.

"I think there's three," I joke and Taylor jokingly glares at me. We all laugh and take a cookie as we watch the movie. By the time the movie is over, the whole plate of cookies is gone. Taylor's phone buzzes and I see a text from Ed wondering when he can come back.

"When is Ed allowed back?" Taylor asks Ali. Ali seems to consider this question.

"Book a hotel for the night," she says finally and turns her attention back to the movie. Taylor and I start laughing harder than I have ever laughed before. Ali just looks at us and wonders what's so funny. Taylor texts back that he can come over tomorrow at lunchtime. I laugh at his response. He isn't angry just joking around. The only time I've seen Ed get super angry was at Calvin.

Taylor laughs at their conversations and I wished I had a boyfriend. Maybe one day. "Can we bake more?" Ali asks when the movie ends.

"How about you and Selena hang out while I make some dinner?" Taylor asks. Ali nods and looks at me. I smile at her and nod. She gets all excited and Taylor leaves to make dinner.

"Do you like McDonalds?" I whisper to Ali. She nods. "How about we talk Taylor into getting us some instead?"

"Yes!" Ali says. I whisper the plan to her. "Got it," she whispers back. She jumps off of the couch and goes into the kitchen. I slowly and quietly follow her.

"What's up, Ali?" Taylor asks.

"I don't want you to go through so much work to make dinner."

"You want McDonalds don't you? Was this Selena's idea?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah," Ali says.

"Hey! Don't rat me out," I say and come out of my hiding spot.

"No one loves McDonalds as much as you do, Sel," Taylor says.

"True," I say and nod. Ali taps Taylor on the shoulder.

"So can we get McDonalds?" Ali asks. Taylor laughs and looks at me while shaking her head. I just shrug and smile.

"Sure, I'll PostMate some," Taylor says. "What do you guys want?"

"Chicken Nuggests, fries, and a Coke," Ali says with a smile. Taylor laughs and writes it on a small notepad.

"You?" Taylor asks.

"Hmmmm... a BigMac, fries, Coke, and an ice cream sundae for each of us," I say with a grin and wink at Ali. She laughs and gives me a thumbs up. Taylor laughs and shakes her head.

"You go play a game or something and I'll order this," Taylor says.

We nod our heads and walk into the living room as Taylor gets her phone out. Ali and I walk to the closet that has all of Taylor's millions and millions of board games and cards and such. She's a kid at heart so she has all of this stuff. We walk in and Ali's face lights up at all the games. I'm guessing she didn't know about this closet yet.

We keep looking for a game to play. Ali wants to play a board game not a card game so that takes out some. But still Taylor has a million board games. Taylor walks in and laughs at us not being able to decide on a board game. "How about Life?" Taylor suggests.

"Do you want too?" I ask Ali. She nods and, since Taylor is the tallest, gets the board game off of the shelf.

"The food will be here in a few," Taylor announces as we walk into the kitchen with her. As if on cue, Ali and I's stomachs growl. We all end up laughing.

"We must be twins," Ali says and I agree with her. Taylor starts to get the game ready as the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it!" I say. I wanted to pay for the food. I open the front door and see a cute boy around my age. Maybe a year older. He smiles and I think my heart actually melts. He gives me the food and I give him the money.

"Hi, Selena Gomez, right?" the boy asks.

"That's me, and you are?" I ask the boy.

"My names Jack and this is my phone number," he says. I smile and happily take it. I close the door and smile. I put Tom's number in my pocket.

I can't wait to tell Taylor!



Hey guys!

I have been writing a lot lately but I'm so happy that I am. Thank you for reading and all of the support. And doesn't Jack sound nice? I know you haven't really met him yet but...

I thought it would be cool to do this in someone else's point of view 

Question: if Selena and Jack go out, what would their ship name be? Comment it!

See you guys next time!

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