Chapter 42

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Taylor's POV:

Calvin called me when Ali was in the room and she saw it. Why can't he just leave me alone? But, Ali did bring up a very good point. How come I haven't already blocked Calvin? He wouldn't be able to call me anymore and incidents like these wouldn't happen. He's now blocked and Ed walks into the room. He looks very confused and worried. "Hi," I say softly.

"Taylor, what happened in here? Ali won't tell us but she looks scared and upset," Ed says quickly. I pick up my phone and show him my recent calls. "He tried calling you?" he asks and I nod.

"Yeah so I blocked him but Ali, I guess, thinks I still talk to him or something," I say and put my phone down. Maybe technology isn't always great. He kisses my forehead and smiles.

Ed says, "Maybe Ali should come back in here so you can talk to her."

The doctor comes in and tells me that I'm ready to leave if I don't need anymore rest. Ed leaves so I can get dressed and everyone's waiting for me by the time I get to the waiting room. "Hey guys," I say.

"I'm glad you're okay," Selena says with a smile but her eyes read confusion. Ed must not have told her what happened when Ali was in the room. I kneel down in front of Ali so I can look her in the eye.

I say, "Ali, I don't talk to Calvin anymore. I will never talk to Calvin again. He's blocked so he can't try to call or text or whatever me again."

Ali smiles.

"In fact, I'm debating getting a new number if that'll make you feel safe," I say to Ali and we hug. This will be a moment I will never forget. I kissed the top of her head and stand up. She takes my hand we walk out of the hospital.

Thankfully, Selena was smart enough to have my driver pull up at the front so we can get in the car safely. And quickly.

As we drive home, we're all quiet but Selena keeps telling me so I can fill her in. I laugh and tell her to wait until we get home. Selena's going to stay in Nashville for a little while longer.

She says it's so we can hang out more and she can hang out will Ali more but she's not fooling everyone. She just wants to go on that date with the delivery guy. "Would you like it if I stayed a little while longer?" Selena asks Ali.

Ali smiles and nods. Everyone loves Selena.

We get to me house and all walk into the kitchen. We're hungry people, okay? As we get something to eat, I turn on the TV. And there I see it, my face plastered everywhere because I fainted and went to the hospital. I sigh and roll my eyes.

Being famous isn't as glamorous as everyone thinks.



Hey guys!

I'm so happy to be updating again because you guys have been requesting for me to do so! I'm pretty sure I had some chapters already written but Microsoft Word won't let me open the document. This is why I use Google Docs for everything now.

I'm going to try to update as much as possible.  Hopefully at least once a week.  Sorry for the delay :(

Should I make this a series?  I have some good ideas if it became one!

Thank you so much for reading!

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