Chapter 24

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Chapter 24


"Ali!" I say with tears streaming down my face.  Ali's face is red.  Thankfully I have Calvin here.   He called 911 and is trying to calm her down.  Alisha is sitting there not knowing what to do.   Poor Alisha. 

Ali continue to cough like crazy. 

An ambulance pulls up and Alisha gets put into the car.  "Only two people will be able to come," someone says. 

"I'll drive," Alisha offers.  I nod gratefully and Calvin and I get into the ambulance with Ali.  Good thing I have a wonderful boyfriend with me.  

"It's going to be okay," Calvin says.  Ali just coughs.  The nurses in the car did stuff to help her not cough as much.   I cry the whole time while Calvin comforts both Ali and me.  What could have caused this madness? 

"It better be," I say in between sobs.  We reach the hosptital and they take Ali to a room.  Sadly, we cannot come in right away.  Alisha bursts through the doors.  Tear stains cover her face. 

"Is she okay?" Alisha asks in a worried voice.  I can't even speak. 

"She will be," Calvin says.  Alisha eyes her weirdly.   Probably my imagination playing tricks on me. 


Calvin must've done this.  Ketchup?

Like I believe that!


No one has a clue that it was me who did this.  Why, you ask? Well, I would be Taylor's shoulder to cry on and I would look better in Ali's and Taylor's eyes.  Everything is working out great!



Oh snap.

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