Favorite Student Pt. 2 (End)

Start from the beginning

"Play piano?" Jungkook squeaked out.

"Of course," Jimin smiled.

Jungkook smiled at that, dropping his eyes to his plate.

"Are you finished?" Jimin asked, his hand held out towards Kook's plate.

"Yes," he shyly handed the teacher his dishes and Jimin got up.

Park took everything to the kitchen and sat it in the sink, running water into their plates.

He came back and sat down, continuing to watch tv with his student.

"What do you usually do on the weekends, Jimin-ssi?" The younger asked.

Jimin turned to the other and smiled, "I grade papers and then go to meet Taehyung for something to eat."

"You still talk with him?" Kook's head tilted to the side slightly, his shoulders slumping as he relaxed against the couch cushions.

"Mhm. We meet whenever we can. He's a therapist, oddly, so he doesn't have much free time, but we take advantage of it when he does."

"That's nice," Jung looked back to the television, "My father has a friend like that."

Jimin's smile fell as he turned to his student, who's mouth was still open.

"My father let him touch me too."

Jimin sighed quietly, scratching his cheek, "Did he tell you it was alright?"

"He said that his friend wouldn't hurt me. He didn't. Not physically. He called me names though. My father watched and he's called me those names ever since."

"The names hurt your feelings?" Jimin asked just to clarify.

"Yeah. He wasn't nice about it. Neither of them."

Jimin hummed in understanding then reached for the remote, "Mind if we turn this off?"

"Um...." Jungkook stared at the cartoons. For the pass few days, they'd been his comfort, the sounds and flashing colors. He hadn't watched tv before he started staying with Jimin, but now he felt as though he needed it. "Can we just turn the volume down?"

"Yeah," Jimin hit the button until the sound was barely audible, which Jungkook was okay with since the pictures were still moving across the screen.

Jungkook studied Jimin's face for a few seconds as Jimin focused, observing how Jimin bit his lip (more like gnawed on it) and how the older male's small finger turned red at the contact with the remote. He really liked Jimin's hairstyle now that he paid attention to it. With Jimin in less formal clothes than he wore to work, Jungkook could see how Park Jimin looked like a normal twenty year old. If Jungkook knew nothing about him, he'd say this Park Jimin worked at a gas station or corner store for minimum wage.

"So, Jungkook-ah-"


"Um...Again, you don't have to tell me anything, or do anything, that you don't want to, but...I really think we should go to the police with this."

Jungkook immediately looked away from the older, mumbling "How soon?" under his breath.

"Only when you're ready and only if you really want to. I'd understand if you never wanted to bring it up to the police. He is your father, after all. I'd understand why you want to protect him...but I honestly don't think you should."

Jungkook nodded. He leaned forward, hugging himself and closing his eyes. After a bit he jolted and sat up straight, "Can we turn it back up now, please?"

Jimin was a little confused at first, then he remembered the tv was on and he scrambled to turn the volume back up.

Jungkook seemed to relax once the sound of Bugs Bunny's voice hit his ears.

Jimin watched the episode for a little bit, reminiscing his childhood. Then he suddenly and randomly remembered how he kissed Jungkook that one afternoon.

He let his mind wander and he ended up asking himself Did you make his anxiety and problems worse?

"Jungkook," he called to his student.

The younger looked back to him, glancing between Jimin and the tv, "Yes, Jimin-ssi?"

Jimin took a deep breath then let it out calmly, "In the classroom, when I kissed your neck, did that make you feel worse? Did I hurt you in any way by doing that?"

Jungkook thought for a moment, his eyes glued to the tv screen. He shook his head then leaned back to relax into the couch cushions, "No. It didn't feel bad or weird. It was just...startling. I wasn't expecting it. I wasn't expecting it to feel...okay."

Jimin lightly smiled, a bit ashamed of himself that he ever did it in the first place, "I'm glad. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. You are my favorite student after all."

Jungkook smiled and rolled his eyes, "You've never hurt me, Jimin-ssi."

Jimin grinned to himself, turning his own attention to the tv. "Jungkook-ah."


"Call me Hyung," Jimin turned back to find Jungkook's startled expression.

"Uh...um, okay. If you're okay with that."

"Of course I am," Jimin chuckled, "You're my favorite."

The end....but not the end...

Anyways, does anyone even remember the Mafia Auction series? Lol :) it's been months since I did one of those chapters. Been a while since I did Tortuous too...oopsy :)

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