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So, it's over but I figured I would answer some questions. Now, I'm not the kind of person who likes to add information outside of canon. Also, everything is 100% open to your interpretation. This is just my vision of the story.

What happens to Charlie? The Lost Boys?
I don't know. Honestly I don't. Is she seperated from her friends forever? Do they all go back to Neverland? Does she end up joining up with Emma to go to the Underworld and save Peter? Your guess is as good as mine. What do you think?

Why did you kill of Alex to not kill him?
Alex had to die, because everyone else who was old died. Also, this showed true love. Alex and Harry are the only couple that I believe make it to the end. Other than Alison and Johnny of course. It was important to show how much Alex and Harry loved eachother. They are soulmates.

How did Alex live?
Well, he shared a heart with Harry. Which they can do because they are soulmates. See above?

Why did you kill Devin?
Oh man I didn't want to kill him. I love Devin. I mean, from the reaction I got it seems no one else does like I do, but still. It was so sad to kill him off, but I needed to prove actions have consequences, and you can't stop death. Also, what's a finale without at least three murders?

What did Gregory do to Elizabeth?
I think that if you go looking, you can find out exactly what he did. Back in Vicious: How to Bite a Lip sets it up really well, with what Gregory says to Charlie. Villainous: When we Ran & When we United also reveal a lot. The bruises on Elizabeth's neck, they shape they are in parallels multiple events in Vicious. Blaize and Jared get really protective around Elizabeth, trying to keep her as far away from Gregory as possible. Blaize makes sense, but Jared isn't a fighter. So what Gregory did must have been awful. What do you think he did?

Wait, so who likes Elizabeth? Jared? Blaize?
But like actually, it's up to you. In my personal interpretation, both Jared and Blaize are in love with Elizabeth. Now like. A better question would be who she likes back. In my interpretation the answer is not very pleasant. It's entirely up to you what you imagine though, because I can see it a lot of ways.

Is Blaize gay? Didn't she like Gregory?
Blaize is super gay. Maybe you think she liked Gregory, maybe you don't, but I think she was manipulating the Lost Boys for things. I don't think she likes boys at all, but that's just me.

Alex or Harry?
Don't do me like this. They are literally mirrors of eachother. Backwards copies. One's weakness is another's strength. Though from who shifts the best throughout the story, development wide, is have to pick Alex.

Why did you kill Peter?
Because he needed to die. In order for Charlie to properly heal, Peter needed to be out of her life for good. Whether he loves her or not I don't know, completely up to your interpretation (I literally never decided what his motives were). I know though he would never have given up on having her. Besides, Charlie needed to show she was committed to good. Peter holds her back and confuses her. She truely did love him, absolutely. But you can't love someone into being a good person.

Did Peter love Charlie?
No idea. It really bugs me that I never figured this out. Honestly I don't know that it matters, because what Peter does is inexcusable. He may love her, but he doesn't love her right.

Why doesn't it go on?
So, I know it's hard to understand but the story is over. From beginning to end, the story has been about Charlie. We first meet her and Pan at the same time, and it's only fair we meet them together for one final time. This story has been about Charlie's character, and what traumatic situations can do to a person. Note the trauma is over. There are still questions because life has questions.
It may not seem like it, but I tied up every character with a nice bow. Blaize has given up on violence, Frank uses her words instead of her fists, Harry understands the world is cruel, and Alex understands the world is good. More happened, but to summarize the story is over. There is nothing more to tell, because it ends the way anything should end. With acceptance and growth. I chose the final line on purpose.
When the green cloud hits, everyone who matters to me is gone. Including myself.
Charlie finally cares about others and herself again. She understands why people are bad and the importance of being good. That is why the story is over.


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