When We Remembered

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Chapter 11

I glare at Tinkerbell across the camp. What a huge invasion of privacy she just subjected me to. You can't just go through someone's spell history; it's like a medical record. Besides, I don't know why there is a destiny tied to me. The rest of the stuff on me is basic poisons and spells that lingered on my skin, but otherwise, I shouldn't be that heavy.

I wonder if she knows it's a destiny. She might, but didn't say anything.

Our conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a certain pirate, followed by this mess.

What exactly is this mess? Apparently, our new mission is to break into Pan's camp. Which is exciting to say the least. If, and when if, they get inside, my people will be warned, and they will be waiting. This group thinks they barely escaped the last fight, just let them wait until they're ambushed in Pan's own camp. They haven't seen anything yet.

I only listen to the most basic of details. Tinkerbell is going to get them in by providing a distraction. She'll go in the front, they sneak in the back. Blah, blah, blah. As if any of that is going to work.

They even drew out a small diagram of the camp. The last time Tinkerbell was there must've been some time ago, because there is a completely different layout than I am used to.

Then it comes to the way they get out. Which everyone glances at each other out of the sides of their eyes at the thought. Even the Captain stiffens.

I'm not used to his nervousness.

"None of this matters if you don't know our exit plan." Tinkerbell's thick accent enunciates every single syllable.

Wait, they don't have an escape plan? I raise my eyebrows, widen my eyes and stand up. Despite the laughter than is bubbling in the pit of my stomach, I have to act shocked. Fear needs to be threatening my throat, and I don't know that I have the strength to hold in my contentment.

"We'll find a way." Regina interjects. "We always do."

Scoffing isn't really in character for who I am pretending to be, so instead I shake my head back and forth quickly.

"When do you plan on doing that?" Tinkerbell laughs. "Because that should've been something you thought about before you show up on Pan's island."

"When it comes to family-"

"Save it." I interrupt David. Bottle up the courage I've been trying so desperately hide, I take a step forward. "When it comes to Pan, nothing you want matters. Nothing. We're a bunch of chew toys for him to play with. To demolish. You think family matters to you? You've got no idea how much winning matters to him."

Tinkerbell pulls out a watch, and I immediately tune out the conversation. It's something about the boy they are looking for, the people who brought him here, or some other nonsense that I have neither the time nor the energy to care about.

Well, really I have all the time in the world but it's not like I care for or against it.

"There's no way I would stick my neck up in Pan's way without a sure fire way to escape. When you figure out what that is, you can come get me." Tinkerbell concludes storming off deep into the forest.

Good riddance. I couldn't hate that devilish girl more than I already do.

"I'll go get her." David mutters.

Well, that lasted long.

"Don't." Emma spins around. "She's right. You should never break in somewhere before you know how to escape."

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