When we Demanded

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Chapter 9

"We could even get Charlotte in on it." I hear Regina jump in. "That girl, whereever she comes from, has good power."

Emma and Mary Margaret continue their hushed whispering, something about going into Pan's camp, guns blazing instead of actually finding this fairy.

Eventually, they turn off, going back to following the Captain.

"So, you've been here for a couple months?" David asks, moving beside me.

I nod, slowly but firmly. "Yeah, it seems like it. It feels like a year."

Wrong. It feels like a minute. The more I lie to these people, the easier it gets to keep lying.

"Do you miss your family?" He asks.

I pause. It's hard to think about them. "I miss my sister. A lot. My mother is dead, but I miss her too."

"I'm so sorry." Mary Margaret jumps in, catching up with us.

I shrug. My mother had a reason for doing what she did, I just need to figure it out. I need to figure all of this out.

These people, however, are good people. So good, their sweetness burns my tongue. I forgot what it was like to be around people who genuinely care about each other. I can't tell if the thought disgusts me, or if it I secretly crave it.

"So, how old are you?" Mary Margaret asks.

"It depends." I tell her. "Last time I checked, 17."

She nods solemnly, as if she suddenly is remembering how long I have been kept hostage here.

"We'll bring you home with us, when we get out of here." David tells us. "We'll help you find your sister too."

"And if you want, you can come live with us." Mary Margaret offers. "I mean, you and your sister. I wouldn't normally offer, but I don't know if you'll be able to go back to your life after this."

I know I can't go back to my old life, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving this island. No way. I would die before I go home.

I smile. "Thanks. She would appreciate that."

"Hold old is she?" David asks.

"11." I smile. "And she is so kind."

I frown at the thought of leaving her alone. It wasn't intentional, but there is nothing I can do about it now. This island is my home, and I can't leave. Not the Lost Boys, not Peter, not the feeling in my stomach. Although that fire has stopped burning and has begun eating away at my insides.

"She's probably 12 already." I tell them.

The Captain holds up a branch for us to pass underneath, and David gets left behind. Probably to talk to him. I strain my ears as I try to listen, but nothing.

Man, I make a terrible spy.

Mary Margaret just smiles at me for a minute, before I turn to look at Regina and Emma.

"You never did tell me about your son."

The two of them look at each other, trying to assess which one of them I am talking to. The answer is, the both of them.

"His name is Henry," Regina speaks up first. "He's 12 years old, and such a sweet boy."

"I was his teacher in school." Mary Margaret continues. "He's very smart, and only wishes to help everyone."

"He is what broke the curse over the town." Emma jumps in.

"What curse?" I ask.

"We'll be there in a couple minutes." The Captain pushes to the front, around us all, as David catches up.

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