When We Saw

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Chapter 8

    We arrive in a trap. There is a fire pit, and a clothing line, and scuffs along the ground, but it is not my home. There are no tents, and this nowhere near where we ought to be to find where the Lost Boys live. Wherever Peter's map brought them, is not my home.

    "Guys," Emma jumps in, running past David. "Hold on."

    I follow where she is headed, and see a boy. He wears a blue wool coat, and blue jeans. He stands facing away from us.

    That is not her son. That is Peter.

    "Is that..." Emma's voice trails off as she springs forward. "Henry."

    Peter turns around, to the shock of the group. From where I stand in the back, I let myself smirk. I know who he is, and he has them right where he wants them. Stupid strangers, don't know how to play the game. If Peter asks you not to use magic, you don't. Otherwise, you lose.

    "Hi Emma," he smiles. "Oh and look, you brought stolen goods with you."

    Mary Margaret steps in front of me, and that's when I realise he is supposed to be talking about me. Right, they saved me from Felix. My head tingles at the memory of my hair being ripped out from my head. That freaking hurt like hell.

    "You broke my rules," he continues, walking away from them, "that's not how we play around here. Captain, I thought you would do better."

    "Aye, and you'll get it." He snarls back.

    I continue to eye up that man. Captain Killian Jones. I'm going to find out what his deal is, and Alison is going to tell me once she gets here. That's the only way I can do it.

    "I want my son back." Emma demands.

    "Sorry, he's a little busy," Peter breathes. "Besides, hadn't you figured it out yet? Cheaters never win."

    With that, out come the Lost Boys. They dart over hills, daggers out, holding them up at us. Devin, Harry, Alex and Felix join Peter at the top of the hill. Alison comes out, with her long hair showing to the world, a bow in her hands. The rest slowly surround us, Johnny, Gregory, his two lackeys that I didn't kill. The girls as well, their faces hidden underneath their cloaks. Jared must even be here, to look like we actually have the numbers to fight. Not including Pan and I, there are only a dozen. But this dozen, with their fire and weapons looks intimidating enough. It looks like much more than a dozen

    Regina begins to crack her knuckles, as David and Mary Margaret pull out their weapons. The Captain warns of the dreamshade on the tips of their arrows, something I've heard of but never seen actually used. Except when we fought the Natives.

    Harry shoots an arrow first, and they begin to fight them off. I dart off to the side, seeing as I'm weaponless. My eyes meet Alison's and she nods, sprinting towards the side off of the clearing.

    Blaize jumps out in front of me, spinning around my dagger in her hands. "Tackle me and take it. It's Peter's plan"

    I do as she says, running into her chest to bring her down. I rip it from her hands, before picking it up, and continuing to run into the forest.

    I don't even mutter a silent thank you, fearing someone's eyes on me.

    My lungs shake as I reach the cover of the trees, hidden from the rest of their eyes.

    Alison gets there seconds later, her shoulders heaving as she coughs. She looks different since the last time I saw her. Blonde hair cut shorter than it was, down to her shoulders and completely tangled; I don't know why they didn't make her cut it off completely. Maybe it's because of her already boyish figure hiding beneath it.

VILLAINOUS (III) : peter pan ouatHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin