When we Danced

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Chapter 4

The grass is soft, but when I feel his hand in mine, I realise it's softer. When I pull my body off the ground, I realise how stiff my back is. It stopped bleeding, the soft green that surrounds us has done me good. He's still next to me. It couldn't have been more than a couple hours, but all the same.

When was the last time I ate? I haven't eaten in days. When I sleep, lately I haven't been getting tired. And water hasn't passed by my lips in weeks. None of that seems to matter here. I don't think I actually need to do any of that, it seems to be more of a formality.

The longer I'm here, the more it seems I'm becoming part of the island. As if I'm actually living off it.

Or as if I'm just living off of Peter.

"Hey," I crack open a smile.

He's still asleep beside me.

The words come out as but a whisper, and I expect them to be carried away by the wind. Except there is no wind. It is quiet, and dark, and it is just us lying together in the night.

I lean over, and kiss his nose, until I feel it crinkle beneath my lips. He groans, deep from his throat, but sighs when he looks at me.

"Are you going to wake me up like that forever?"

I hadn't thought about it, but is this forever? I mean, that's a fancy of an idea. While time doesn't drag me down, both figuratively and literally, I hadn't thought about how this could be forever. Once the war is over, Peter will be alive until the end of time.

It hadn't occurred to me that this might last forever. A real forever.

"Depends." I tell him. "Do you plan on sleeping in late forever?"

He shakes his head, almost chuckling. "This was the last day before you go spy on them."

I guess that makes sense. We've been waiting long enough for this day to come. Although I wish it wasn't here.

"Am I going to be able to communicate with anyone?" I ask him.

He doesn't purse his lips like people do when they are about to tell you something you don't want to here. He simply looks at me blankly, expecting me to pick the answer out of his mind.

Which is unfortunate, seeing as there are people I need to talk to while I'm with these strangers. Alison for starters, because the longer I think about this all, the deeper of a hum I can feel in my skin. The thought tingles and rushes through me, lingering in all the places that hold me together. That make me move.

Am I supposed to be Peter's undoing?

Never mind Jared, who I always want to talk to even if I never need to. And Blaize. I need to make sure she knows it's not her fault. And Elizabeth, I need her to know it's not anyone's fault. And Frank.

If I leave her alone, Felix might intertwined himself with her, and I can't afford that. Not if I want her to live. My mind is more occupied with that boy then the bloody war.

"It's fine." I tell him. "I'll just say goodbye to the boys-"

He shakes his head. "You can't do that. The boy is there-"

"And I am here." I tell him. "How long must I hide?"

"Until it is safe." His voice is stern enough to tell me he is not budging on the matter without him actually speaking.

I cross my arms, turning away. How can I be expected to hide within the ranks of people who wish nothing but war upon us? Especially for an unspecified amount of time, which could add up to years.

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