4 Epilogues

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He doesn't want to get out of bed. The light leaks through the cracks in the blinds on the wall, lighting up the face of the boy in front of him. Alex has always thought Harry was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

It's a miracle to wake up next to him in a bed. Alex could never have foreseen a future where he was lying safely next to the boy of his dreams, breathing the same air and beating as one heart. The sheets are soft, and now that they are clean Harry's skin is softer.

"God I love you." Alex leans forward and presses a kiss against Harry's chin.

The other boy stirs, smiling into the kiss in ways he hasn't done in years.

Harry doesn't want to get out of bed. It's been quite a few nights since he has slept properly. The house they live in is far too full. At the same time, it is far too empty. They've lost too many people, especially recently. It's easy not to think about it, especially when they lie in bed avoiding time.

Harry lets his arms snake around Alex's face, pulling the boy up and close to his chest. It's their day off. In fact, it is everyone's day off. Of course Alex doesn't have a job. He isn't the only one of course, since a few haven't properly adjusted since they came back. However, all the ones with jobs agreed to take this day off to spend together.

After all, this day marks the year since the cloud hit.

"I'm so lucky to have you." When Harry says it Alex laughs. "What's so funny?"

"You think you're the lucky one." Alex shakes his head, leaning away from Harry.

When they first got back it was hard. Now, it feels like staying together is not only easy, but their whole future. Especially when they barely have to pay $100 monthly for rent. It's what happens when you 8 people living in a three bedroom apartment. I mean, spaces get tight, and the building runs out of toilet paper every ten minutes. That doesn't mean it isn't convenient.

They wouldn't change it for the world. Not all of it anyway.

Sometimes they miss her.


"Would you turn off that racket?" The boy shouts, as he pulls the cover over his head.

In the space of a year he has learned how to be angry again. Of course, he is still pleasant and kind, and sometimes when people yell he starts crying and he doesn't know why. That doesn't mean he is as sweet and fuzzy as he used to be.

"That racket is music." She could easily make a cheap shot about how he doesn't know what passes for music now, but she avoids it.

Jared is very sensitive to how he is. She stopped using the blender for his sake, and even lives through the cold winter without the furnace on because she knows the sound scares him. He isn't hard to live with, she just doesn't like making adjustments. Besides, there is one thing they can agree on anyway. Anything about her.

"Yeah, well it's too early for it." Jared groans, but he flips his covers over his head anyway.

The other girl in the room barely stirs at the sound. She is used to sleeping people chatting and talking. Of course she is awake. She has been awake for practically the whole night, thinking about the day he died. Best day of her life.

"Are you awake Frank?"

Yes, she is. Eventually she turns her head to look at the two people. "Since you two won't shut up I am."

They are used to Frank's behaviour by now. After all, they've been sharing a room for nearly a year now.

"Do you think she will come back today?" Blaize asks, glancing at the empty bed in the corner of the room.

VILLAINOUS (III) : peter pan ouatWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt