chapter 11 Almira the Summoning Animal

Start from the beginning

"Michigo? What does he want with her?" I heard Neji ask. He almost sounded concerned. I'd never believe him. Never again. He had his moment and he ruined it. Everytime.

"I believe we're not alone." I heard Almira say loudly. Just then I saw Neji peer his head out from the kitchen and into the hallway.

"It isn't polite to eavesdrop you know." Neji said crossing his arms in a lecturing manner. Yet his tone was gentle. He was starting to confuse me.

"I'm sorry." That's all that came out of my mouth. Although I was thinking of snapping at him but my heart just wouldn't let me.

"It's alright. I made you breakfast. I hope you like it." He said gently. I just stood there for a moment bewildered that he would even do this kind of thing. Especially for me. For an outsider.  Once I finally entered the kitchen I saw that he made me some eggs and cut some fruit. 

Hmm... a healthy breakfast.  No wonder he's strong. He eats like this and then gets up early to train. He's well disciplined. 

"This is good. Thank you Neji." I replied after eating my breakfast. He just nodded his head acknowledging my thanks.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I asked curiously.  I had hoped it was something good. Whatever it was.

"Nothing of any importance.  Anyway we have to go meet up with Guy sensei and introduce your new companion." Neji said dismissing me. It was irritating how he did that. I just sighed and let it pass. I'd figure it out sooner or later.

"Ok let's go. So tell me about your teammates Michigo." Almira said as we locked my front door and started for the training grounds where they're supposed to be.

"Well there's this girl. She has two brown buns on her head and she works with weapons. I don't think she has any jutsu." I said just now realizing how weak she really was.

"What about the other and your sensei. How's he?" It seemed like she was testing my intellect. She was seeing if I can pick up on the littlest details. I knew how she worked. Sort of.

"Hmm. The other is a Guy named Rock Lee and he uses only taijutsu. He can't use ninjutsu either and Guy sensei is strong but only in taijutsu. Seems like I'm the strongest one here now that I think about it." I said as a light bulb went off in my brain. I wondered how I didn't pick up on it sooner.

"What's the girls name? Do you know?" She asked. She continued to ask questions until we got there. I assumed to get as much information before meeting them. 

"Her name is Tenten." Neji spoke up from beside me. When he spoke up for her I just felt my heart sink. I noticed that Almira caught that too.

She'll be letting me hear that one later.

"NEJI!" I heard the loudest screech and flinched.

Does she have to be so damn loud.

"Hello Michigo. Who's your new friend?" I heard Guy sensei ask. I looked over to see the three of them walking towards us. Well the guys anyway. Tenten was running full speed towards Neji. It kind of made me jealous.
I looked to Almira and she gestured that I introduce. She might not want them to know she can talk. She has reasons why she does things I noticed. So I trusted her and went with it.

"This is Almira. My summoning animal.  She's here to help me train." I said simply. I noticed Tenten snicker.

"You need help training? What your not good enough by yourself?" She snickered again but then got lectured by Guy sensei and had to go train with Lee.  Although he never said a word to me.
I also noticed how defensive Almira can get. She was trying to hold back a growl.

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