Chapter 24 - Heartbreaker

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Breanna P.O.V

When we arrived to the frat party it was packed. I wonder what  Justin's doing.

As I entered the house a bunch of familiar faces filled the room. I noticed people I liked, hated, even envied.

But I suddenly saw a face that I really didn't want to see. Mike.

" Bre? Is that you? " He approached me.

Oh my God.

" Hi. " I waved.

" I've missed you. Where have you been? " He asked wrapping an arm around me.

I moved his arm and he softened his face. He looked sorry.

" Look, Breanna I'm really sorry. Can you please give me another chance? I won't mess it up. " He pleaded.

" It's too late. I kind of already have a boyfriend. " I spoke quietly.

" Already? " He twisted his face up.

" What do you mean? " I question.

" I just thought you'd be more of a wreck, no offense. " He defended himself.

" Wow, you're an asshole. " I walked away trying to find Amanda, but he kept on following me.

" Come on babe. " He said.

" Can you fuck off?! " I snapped. He just rolled his eyes and huffed before leaving.

I found Amanda by the punch bowl and I walked over to her.

" Ugh, Amanda guess who tried to talk to me. "

" Mike? I thought he would. " She said.

" He said he expected me to be more of a ' wreck '."

" He's a dick. " She said taking a sip of her punch.

" Tell me about it. "

Our conversation was interrupted by a girl tapping me on my shoulder. I turned around to face her.

" Are you the girl that dated Mike? " She asked.

" Yeah. "

" He was my boyfriend first. " She snapped.

" Congratulations. " I turned back around.

I was about to continue talking to Amanda, but I heard the girl call me a bitch.

" Um, excuse you? " I asked.

" You heard me... bitch. " She laughed.

I don't fight, but if I have to, I will.

" I would appreciate it if you didn't call me that. " I replied.

" Okay, bitch. "

By now a crowd was formed around us. I pushed the girl and she pushed me back. I punched her in the mouth causing her tooth to bleed and Amanda held me back. The girl tugged my hair and punched me in the nose. I felt some blood trickle down my face.

Amanda dragged me out of the place and to the car.

" Well, this didn't go as planned. " She says and I glare at her.

Justin P.O.V

I heard the doorbell ring and I rushed to answer the door. I thought it was Breanna but it wasn't.

" What do you want Chloe? " I sighed.

" You already know. Where's Brittany? " She asked welcoming herself in.

" It's Breanna and she's not here. "

" Oh really? " She said rubbing up and down my arm.

" Y-yeah. "

She stood on the tip of her toes and whispered in my ear. " Maybe we could have some fun? "

" W-what do you mean? " I stuttered, stupidly.

" You know what I mean. " She ran her fingers through my hair. " Show me your room. " She demanded.

Breanna P.O.V

I knocked on the door waiting for Justin to answer. It took forever until someone finally answered the door. But it wasn't Justin, it was Chloe.

Her shirt was undone and she had an evil smile on her face.

" Bye Brittany. " She smirked.

I tear rolled down my cheek as I stepped into the house shutting the door. I slid down the door and onto the floor. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and then Justin's face appeared. He had a horrified look on his face.

" Bre-... " He started.

" Don't. " I stood up running past him and up the stairs.

" Breanna wait! " He called following me upstairs.

I shut the door and locked it. I heard Justin bang on the door.

" Open the door. Breanna please. " He pleaded.

" No I hate you! " I spat.

" Please. " He said in a soft whisper.

I unlocked the door and he stepped into the room, grabbing my hands.

" What's on your face? " He asked.

" Blood, I came home because I got into a fight. " Tears kept on streaming down my face.

" I didn't mean to hurt you okay? Chloe came here and she started touching me a stuff. I hate her. You know that. " He explained.

" I thought I knew that. I don't know why I keep being stupid. I could have left, reported you, never came back. But instead I don't do that stuff and I do come back because I thought I was actually starting to ' love ' you. " I laughed.

" Please, that's all I've ever wanted. I swear I didn't intentionally mean to hurt you. It was a mistake and I'm sorry. " He looked deep into my eyes but I turned my head.

" I don't even care anymore. I guess it was stupid for me to think I could change the way you are. " I said wiping a tear.

" Stop crying. I'll make it up to you. " He promised.

" No you won't! Stop saying you will! I'm stuck living with someone I can't stand. You know what? I don't fucking care what drugs you do either. I try to help you and you do this? Leave me alone, go overdose or something. " I crossed my arms.

I watched his eyes go from sad to angry in seconds. He balled his fist up and took deep breaths.

" You don't mean that. " He shook his head.

" Yes I do. " I scoffed.

He left my room slamming my door, almost ripping it of the hinges. I immediately burst into tears and sat on my bed. I heard things in the other rooms breaking.

I can't help but think this is my fault. I know I said I hate him but the truth is, I still love him.

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