Chapter 19: Earned It

Start from the beginning

Next morning:

I woke up with snarling stomach. Guess who forget to eat yesterday night, ME. I was so drowned in happiness that I forget to eat. Damn! This can't be true.

'Yeah, shit happens when you're in love. And now, shit is about to get serious', my subconscious stated.

I got out and ran towards the kitchen to grab something to eat. I saw a sandwich kept upon the counter with a juice by its side. I quickly grabbed it and took mouthfuls of it. Heavenly, I thought. What I didn't noticed was Ana standing in front of me, having an expression of fury plus surprise plus pissed off. Oops, I just made a big mistake.

"D...Di...did I ate your sandwich?", I stammered.

"Yeah, you did. But don't worry, I won't be angry. Instead I want some answers", she raised her eyebrows meaning she will ask and there's no way to say no.

The curious Anastasia Gomez is up and no lord shall save me from her wrath. I straightened up and she smirked.

"You left with Drew and came after midnight. What happened all along?", she asked. I knew sooner or later, I had to tell her. It's only fair if I do it now as she graced me with her yummy sandwich.

"Yeah, me and Drew, yes I went with him to his flat...",I was saying but Ana interrupted me.

"Wait, he was that big mansion guy. How come he stays in flat?", she enquired.

"Will you let me complete?", I deadpan but never the continued, "Apparently, he had this big fight with his parents who are rich snobs, so he left his home to prove himself."

"Ahaan! This boy is something", she smirked.

"And that Bianca thing, his parents forced him to do stay with her because of their family's closeness. But she was being a bitch so Drew left that so called relationship", I air quoted that.

"Finally, everything is falling in its place Pri. I'm so happy for you. You have earned it.", Ana hugged me.

"He might have asked me to be his girlfriend and I might have said yes", I told her.

Thuddd! That was the sound we heard and collectively turned our head towards the man standing at the door with scattered pizza on the floor.

"Oh lord! You killed my pizza", I shouted at shocked Travis.

He recovered himself and said, "Sorry! I'm wobbly since morning. Guess wanted to celebrate my win with the one who created it."

I went and gave him a hug. He wrapped his hands back but something was telling me that he's not okay.

"So, what were you both talking about before I came?", he causally asked after pulling apart.

"Yesterday, she went with Drew and now they both are together", Ana told him and his face fell but he was trying to put a smile. A fake one though.

"Hey Ana, guess I wasn't with you to celebrate his success and now as my lovely pizza has been brutally murdered by him, why don't you go and bring something to eat", I said.

"But we can always order and...", Ana spoke but I cut her off.

"Go Anastasia! Surprise me with your choice", I said and pushed her out of apartment.

She muttered some explicit things but I ignored her. Now turning towards Travis...

"Hey mister. What's wrong with you? And don't you dare to give me that crap of 'Oh! I'm alright' when I know something is really bothering you", I told him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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