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                    The world has end a long time ago. If you were to think, and see what our world has become; there are things that would make you believe that the world which was once a peaceful earth, has ended and vanished. I have come across different beings, the virtuous and the wicked. If you were to run into someone on crowded places you never know if he/she is a good creature or an unspoken descends of hell. You never know if he/she were an angel or a devil. You never know if he/she were a helper or an illicit. You never know if he/she were a giver or a taker. We never know people who are in the same path as you are faded shadows beyond.

                     The world before was bountiful and green, it was fun and keen, it was true and blue, it was untouchable and clean. It was peaceful from the deepest core; the raging fire from love and the dove from above has come to laud people who are in the side of the righteous. But as the time rolled, and those things faded, until we never know the world has ended and wailed. It was never too late to change everything. It was just us, we who never admitted the mistakes and move on knowing what the future will bring and the destructive effects of it. It is we, who never see the truth beyond lies. It is we, who are unable to comprehend the right through wrong. And lastly, it is we, who never determine what shall be done. The world is fading, the darkness overtakes. It is the present that must be rectified and set into the right path because it is the only way. It is the only way to make things right once more, just as how the earth was. Let us not make our place of existence into a place of heaving difference. Make it into a favourable place of virtue and peace.


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