Jolly Roger Part 1

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#415 Mining hole, Neverland
A land at Wonderland

Dear Jolly Roger,

I am curious of you,
If you're real or true.
I ask my mother who are you,
She said you're a skeleton.
Just a head and a broken bone.

My friends thought of you,
As a legendary story.
With me, I felt sorry.
I knew you're just taboo.

I felt like you're real,
And flies with a wheel.
With a Captain beside,
And a Pan at his side.

Are you sailing at the sea?
After all those years you voyage,
Does your ship see,
The world now with few carriage?

Are you a person?
Or  just an imaginary proportion,
Of the world that change its notion.
Of how ships became an exception,
(To pirates of the Caribbean?)

I always dreamed of riding
The hard creaks of your wooden floor.
The crisp of waves that are waving,
On the deck over your cabin door.

How I wish I could see,
One of your rides to be.
A proof of existence,
Why, I can't resist thee!

Your just a famous sign.
But why name a flag.
With jolly and Roger design.
Your not even jolly,
But, a scary dandy.

Why Roger of all name?
Not skeletal system part.
Like skull or joint?
Jolly Join, fame!
Much better, much the same.

Skully Joint a king.
A realistic thing.
A pirate's waving,
Saying, "C'mon, that's a shame,
Whats that kind of name?"

Anyways, I am to ask again,
If you're to reap an answer to gain.
This letter of forge,
It must have sent from abroad,
Can you write back to me?
When you read this letter of thee.

From this, I am a obviously a fan,
Of Jolly Roger and adventures of Pan.
And how I wish to ride a boat,
Or a ship that's just like yours.

Curious sincerity,
Georgina Hailee

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