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Phoenixville, Folkland
#143 Main street, Hallway City

Dear friend,

The love I have shown to you,
Is the thing that keeps me through.
Although I have known that you don't feel the same,
I still wish you well, I know it's a shame.

You loved her more than me,
I, your best friend and company.
A friend since we were babies,
A girl since we were teens.
The woman who supported you
All through those years.

I don't blame you,
I know that I wasn't true,
When I told you I hate you.
Back when we were seniors of high school grandeur.
But that was because I saw you,
Kissing her thoroughly as I undo.
At the back of the building where we usually moot.

I find a reason so you can stop seeing me,
Because I am hurting inside when you look so deep.
Deep in thoughts of her when I am on your side to keep.

That night, you didn't hear,
The cries and sobs and tear.
You don't know why I was to meet you there,
You must be wondering why I so dare?
Because I was to to confess the feelings I keep.
Since we were fourteen,
When you kissed me by my lips.
But that was of a game, of truth or dare lists.

I apologize for not attending your wedding today,
It was because I can't bare what lays,
In this letter from a hundred of your mails.
I am sorry that after the years,
I only showed a letter to you my dear.
You always told me before,
when we we're still kids,
That I am a good poet and I should be praise.
You also told me that I should write you one of these.
Not a love letter, I'm not a tease.
But this letter, with a poem from Greece
Tells you so much how I wish you the best,
For the man that inspired me
Throughout the years.

And to you, his dear wife,
Don't worry about your future life.
I am fine and well,
With a heart that swell
When I thought of the man who could love to the greatest end.

Never let him go,
I might steal him from you.
And note the sarcasm,
The joke I put to that, though.

Good luck and this is a closure.
I want and need the peace
So I could move on and erase the regrets.
I love you.
I loved you at least.

Adequately at ease,
That you'll have the best gift.
My name that you won't forget,
Laticia Everett.

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