Romance Part 1

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Dear Mr. De Vina,

First before all, I am truly sorry for what I did in your office yesterday. The vase just fell, I didn't touch it. Promise. (Same with the little glass bowl.)

I must be in a plane going back to India as you read this. I know what you are thinking, too. Why would this brat leave me a letter? It is because it is the only unsuspected way of me to reach you without my parents knowing. Your sweet secretary is a very kind man to let me write a letter at the back of the contract. The contract in which you and I must put a signature in, for our so called 'wedding'. I haven't signed it yet, as you can see. But I am also about to ask if you can just... give me some time before you put a leash on my neck. And I hope it'll be not literally.

I am sorry , again. Because I told my parents that you are busy for the next three weeks and that you love and care for me so much that you agreed the wedding must be moved. They agreed too because I knew it is the very first time I asked them a favor. And you, mister, is doing whatever you have to do. And I, your future missus is going to Hawaii for grand vacation. Just this once. Please.

I'll be back after the 2nd week. Don't worry. Keep this contract. I'm not running away, promise. I know how powerful you are so I can't escape you. I have a brain, and I don't want my father to smash it too. So that's all, thank you. Muah! Good luck!

Sincerely yours(but still not yours),
Karishma Lei Kapoor

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