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There are times that we felt utterly literally and figuratively alone.
When no one one is by your side,
And no one bothers to listen.
Its when you felt that thing in your heart screaming to let go and find a company to let your feelings and thought through.
To share what you wanted to share.
To be right by your side when you are drown out.
To listen to your stories.
To laugh, cry, and just be happy.
I know how it feels.
And I know how it goes.
But one thing, that's for sure.
A friend, a family, a special one will always be there.
To guide you through the right path,
To ensure you the right thing to do,
To make you strong and open minded in what you want to be,
And to smile or cry with you.
If you still can't figure it all out,
Just walk along a path and keep on thinking.
Reflect till you feel satisfied.
Make all the possibilities drawn out in front of you.
There will always be one that is compatible with what everything is through.
There will always be a choice and the right thing to do.
The loneliness will consume you if you will let it happen, so walk out of that dimly lighted room and explore the said possibilities with people that are there beside you, supporting you and cares for you.
Keep the happy thoughts in your mind and enjoy that things you find the fun.
With this, the loneliness will pass.
And that, won't let you down to the path of depression and madness.
Keep listening to your heart, keep reeling your mind, keep moving your body, keep making that jolly faces, and lastly, keep on finding that warmth from other human being.
Because it helps, it really does.
You should get a hug at least one in a day or even a week. Because that makes heart smile and happy.
It seeks for comfort, understanding and love.
When everything just can't stop from stopping; pause, then kneel, then pray.
Pray with all the contents of your heart.
No matter what happens, think of that Creator out there to pat your shoulder and enlighten you.
That is a much better choice.
A choice to be just you.
To be a warrior as yourself.
To be independently dependent.
And work with your mind and also with your heart.


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