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                        There is that stage in our lives that we feel like we want to rebel against the odds. It was that moment that our mind would take over more than our heart. It would be a waste of our time seeing the same walls and the same people you interact with. That stage of our life where we want a change and we want what we want. Its so hard not to think of that moment you made a decision for yourself and is not dictated by other people, most likely, your parents. The stage of our life has its mistakes and curved in a way that you would either lose yourself or make it even better. This stage is where you try to find yourself, where you want to fit in in what you are comfortable with. In this stage of life, we remember those times you were bored or either idling and spending time with people you actually hate but at the same time, this is the stage where you regret being with people you were influenced with. It is a hard stage of life, and it is called "adolescence".

                              Every being has this stage and it was either negative or positive. Some would say, they never really experience or enjoy the moment of growing up and I would really say that it is a negative effect since you admitted yourself that you didn't really experience a little bit of excitement and adventure. But you can't really blame yourself or the people around you of that. Its must be really hard for you to adjust, that's why.

                            There are certain events in your childhood life that affected who you are now or what you did in the past. It must have been a difficult time and a depressing state. In the span of your adolescence, scientifically proven that hormones and other anatomy related things, makes a young adult of its rebellious state and mind set. Its normal for a teenager to feel so sensitive and emotional because it is what it is. Making them behave and act on what you want them to be, triggers that consequential mind set that they have to take what you said in an opposite way. That's where they act differently and most likely, try to turn the event on what they want it to be and not what you want it to be. They could be vicious and probably hard-headed and willful.

                                So if you want them to act right and well, try to understand them. Try to  make a different approach that you can both agree upon. Try to feel what they feel and try to think of the ways how their respect and trust can lead you to be close with each other, act normal or be decent towards each other. Have a mutual perspective on what happened, what is happening, and what will happen so that you will be able to know how to deal with that stage of their life. Since you, yourself experienced that stage, you must also be making an effort to put yourself on that someones's shoes. In that way, you are both in the same line and holding on to that trust and respect you console to each other. In that way, you will be able to catch their attention and make them also listen to you, learn from you, and remember you.

                             This stage is just one of the many, but this would also be the hardest and most complicated time because it affects what the future will be. As said earlier, this molds you to what you are now and what you will be. Change is constant, change is permanent, but change is the thing that keeps the world going. If changes stop, you will stop too. And it would be maddening to stay in a state forever.

                            Make things memorable and worth remembering for in the future, not with tears but smiles and a glint in the eyes. Make life a colorful spectre with rainbows and unicorns, adventures and fun.

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