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Pete sighed. He had just been thinking about all his life decisions up to this point, that had led him re-evaluating his life on this chair in the park.

Was he a failure in love..?

He would never know.

He got up with a sigh but got bumped into by a hare who was jogging by, and she turned around, still hopping in place as she looked at him and said with a friendly smile.

"Sorry there, handsome."

"Yeah, me handsome..." Pete said with a roll of his eyes and looked up to see who had said that, only to see a pretty hare smiling at him. He cleared his throat quickly and said nervously, leaning up against the chair he was just on.


"You come here often? A cute guy like you usually has a girlfriend nearby."

Pete just laughed, and looked at the girl, feeling a bit more confident. He said. "I kinda just did... but... she didn't love me."

The hare blinked surprised. Damn, she thought to herself, why were all the really hot nice guys being rejected so much recently?

She stopped her jogging in place and approached Pete with a smile. Pete looked her up and down nervously as she came near him, and she smiled close up to his face, teasing almost.

"So, some crazy girl just left a poor helpless guy like you heartbroken in a dangerous park like this?"

"Sounds like it." Pete said, an innocent grin slipping out. He was surprised at himself. He usually never showed this amount of confidence and asked the girl, shyly- but keeping it cool. "What's your name, anyway?"


"That name... is actually really nice."

"Would you have said that about any name?" Clara asked with a grin and a raised eyebrow.

"No." Pete said, and he was being honest. "It's actually really pretty. W-where you from?"

"Born and raised here in Zootopia," Clara said with a wink and Pete just chuckled at that. "And you?"

"Oh I-" he began, getting nervous again. "Just a small rabbit town away from here."

"Well I'd love to sit and talk, but I have to get my jog done before work."

"What do you work as?" Pete asked, as she started to jog away and he tried to keep up, interested.

"Fitness coach."

"You must be really fit then."

"Fastest hare around. I even bet the tortoise." Clara said with a grin, liking this guy and his cuteness. She smiled devilishly at him and said with sparky eyes, "Wanna race?"

"Maybe..." Pete said, jogging along side her but found it hard to keep up as he panted a lot. "If I win, do you think you wanna get coffee sometime?"

"And if I win?" Clara said confidently and Pete swallowed nervously, afraid of what she would say. "Will you pay?"

"Yes!" he said excitedly, and Clara just giggled at this. She said with a sly voice.

"Okay, it's on." She suddenly fell into a sprint, and Pete ran after her, laughing at this bizarre race.

But hey? He hoped he won.

He was still strapped for cash.

It's Just Biology, Baby - A Zootopia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now