Chapter 4

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Judy arrived on the scene of the crime in two and a half hours time. She made excuses for her own traffic speeding with "State of panic" and "Emergency is suit" being the main ones.

Normally she would be kicking herself for driving so fast, but she was in no right mind at the moment.

No, instead she was being blackmailed, with only 3 days being the message. Three days for what? They never told her what they wanted? Yes that mysterious voice was only the beginning of her worries.

Then there was also the never known about boating and docking area in that chasm, that Judy was shocked had never been spoken about or wasn't even on the map of Zootopia. What was going on there?

She reached the scene of the crime, only to find that it was quiet, depressing and dead in atmosphere.

She got out of her car and just looked around, seeing a female horse crying to herself with a paramedic comforting her and Judy felt a sudden silence in her body.

In her surroundings.

In her mind...

She was too late.


She froze, seeing chief Bogo storming over to her with a furious face on and she swallowed, replying.

"Yes... sir?"

"Where were you? Weren't you meant to be back at the station?"

"How did you know I was-"

"Nick told us, that's where you said you were meant to be heading after you left him. What's going on?"

"Chief, look, I just had to investigate something-"

"This isn't just a Hopps solo show, Judy. We really needed you in this situation."

"How did it go down."

"A young stallion was shot and killed."


"We needed someone of your size to get behind the killer and disarm him. Nick's not as quick as you."

"Nick... Nick..." Judy said quietly to herself, her eyes tired, dazed. She suddenly snapped out of her confused thinking and shot her eyes up at Bogo, saying. "Nick?! Is he okay-"

"He's fine." Bogo just said. He grunted the words, not really wanting to go into specifics and pointed to the ambulance that was stationed in the distance. Judy stiffened completely. No... he wasn't injured- was he?

She ran over to the vehicle and only felt her pulse slow down when she saw Nick was being taken care of with a bullet wound in his shoulder.


He blinked. He looked up, still feeling the pain of a hurting shoulder bone and froze for a second. Before giving a soft smile and saying to the rabbit.

"Oh, it's you."

He didn't seem pissed or anything... not upset or angry. She approached him carefully anyway and said in pain, upset.

"Nick, I'm so sorry..."

"Where were you, Carrots? You said you were going back to the station?"

His question again, wasn't angry or full of rage. Just interest and curiosity.

"Nick... I... I got stuck somewhere... in traffic."

"Uh huh..." he said, not believing this one bit. He looked her up and down blankly, seeing the exhausting that was in her body and said. "But knowing you. You would've found somewhere to get here in that traffic. This is only twenty minutes from my place."

It's Just Biology, Baby - A Zootopia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now