Chapter 9

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Judy had fallen asleep after so many hours of exhaustion. She was still on the camera monitor, her body laid flat on it as she slept like a dead weight. Suddenly the camera moved slightly, observing another part of the room and she slipped off, falling through the air towards the quickly approaching hard ground.

She blinked opened her eyes the minute she felt the rush of air collide against her fur, and sprung her feet ready for a landing. She landed on the ground in a thump, her paws just steadying her back onto her legs and she looked around the room cautiously. Exhausted.

She took a step forward, but wavered a bit, nearly collapsing asleep onto the ground again but she hissed to herself quickly.

"Stop, stop it, Judy! Focus!"

She felt like she had only gotten a few hours sleep. She looked around the large room, seeing the beds for the young 'humans', and just cautiously crept around the area. She did big hops up to the glass windows of the doors, to see laboratory equipment was on the other side of some.

And in some, test tubes in dim rooms that held foetuses.

Judy gasped. She landed back to the floor, before pressing up against the wall and whispering to herself.

"This wolf is mad..."

Suddenly she heard a song playing loudly. She froze, freaking out, as she felt a vibrating in her pocket and dug her paw in... just to pull out the phone she had borrowed from Pete.

Her eyes widened. How could she have forgotten she HAD this!

She answered the call quickly and the voice on the other side said sinisterly.

"Have you arrested him yet?"

Judy just became speechless. Wait... Walter wasn't the blackmailer?

"You aren't... Walter Alpha...?" Judy just peeped out, so lost and confused and the voice just said back, puzzled.


"A mad scientist?"

"A day and a half left, Judy!" the voice spat back furiously and Judy said back in a teary rush.

"But Nick never killed the monkeys!"

"Apes, Judy... learn the difference!" the voice just shouted frustrated, but continued slowly, a cruel happiness hidden in its voice. "Not that anyone will believe you with no evidence."

Before Judy could reply, the line went dead and she just gripped the mobile hard in frustration. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!?

She needed someone to find her, rescue her from her capture.

She looked at her phone slowly, seeing the battery was almost dead. She needed to call him... he was the only one who she could count on.


Nick heard his phone dialling as he waited in line for the club. He felt bad inside, like he was cheating on his love for Judy by looking for an escape... of what little love there was there between the two.


He could still hear his phone ringing and took it out of his pocket, seeing the number.


Nick swallowed, not knowing what he should do. At least she was alright, if she was ringing him. He knew he should've answered... but he just couldn't hear her voice while he was trying to escape the ever pressing pain she gave him.

He rejected the call.


Judy froze when the phone started beeping. He had not answered. Her eyes just looked into the emptiness... her heart beating in agonising pain.

He never answered.

She decided to ring the emergency number instead, but as she pressed the numbers- the phone died.

Her eyes went wide.

"No, no!" she begged, looking at the phone and trying to make it work again by shaking it about.

"Work, damn it! Work!"

But it wouldn't. She was trapped.

Alone... forgotten...


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