Chapter 5

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The darkness surrounded her.

All Judy could take in was bare sounds and sights of animals she knew disappearing around her and her world becoming an empty place.

It was when she saw the last animal, a red fox, disappear from her reach, that she shot up in panic.

She was in a gloomy dim small room. It was still dark outside but was a little brighter than it was earlier.

She had no idea where she was, and she started to panic quickly, as she realized she was on someone's bed.

"WHAT'S GOING ON!" she screamed, and a male rabbit quickly came in from the room next door to see her. It was not who she expected to see. That Pete rabbit from the chip shop.


That was all she screamed in terror. Pete's eyes popped opened and he shook his head immediately in response.

"No! No!" he quickly came over to her but she grabbed hold of her pepper spray in her pocket and when Pete saw her defensive move, he paused.

"You fainted." he said blankly, annoyed at this. "And you didn't have any id card on you, nor address of roommates. Me and Hector had to leave you at our place."

Judy's chest was beating up and down, still in a state of panic and Pete just watched her, acting a bit annoyed and slightly put off now from helping, when that's all he had done -was help.

Judy saw his annoyed stance and quickly calmed down. Before she froze. She quickly ravaged her pockets for her phone but paused when she saw Pete was holding out his phone, quite matter-of-factly.

"Remember, you threw yours to the wall."

"Oh... yeah..." Judy admitted without cause, and Pete added on.

"Then you fainted."


"I think you need to rest."

"What time is it?" Judy argued to know. Not meaning to sound rude, but desperate was all she was.

"It's six-thirty. Bedtime for me."

Judy froze up, freaking at the thought of having to share a bed with a stranger- especially him after she knew he had feelings for her. But Pete seemed to pick up on her resistance and said.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to sleep with you. I was going to wake you to see if you had got enough zzzs. That's what you did when you fainted at the shop, you snored."

"Oh..." Judy said slightly embarrassed, and grinned awkwardly.

"Yeah," Pete said with a kind smile, but was too exhausted to show romantic interest or feelings as all he really wanted now was her out of his bed.

"I get five hours before my next job starts. So, it was really nice seeing you again, but I have to hit the hay."

"I get it." Judy said quickly, seeming more replenished and awake now than hours ago. She must have had a lot of r.e.m sleep.

She hopped out of the bed, still in her clothes from last night, and Pete said to her as he flopped onto the mattress next.

"I have an old phone you can put your id card into. It will save you having to buy a new one. You know how to do it, right?"

"Me... oh, yeah..." Judy said quickly, but she wasn't really listening. She looked around the small flat, and saw a bedroom next door... which she suspected was his friend's Hectors. She peered into and saw a bunny sleeping half off the bed in an exaggerated messy stance.

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