Chapter 13

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When he arrived at the impound lot early that morning, Pete jumped in panic, seeing his van had been found. But with no Judy Hopps found with it.

He ran over to it, opening the door and checking inside and out. A rhino was just writing up a bill beside the small van. Pete searched his whole vehicle for any clues of anything stolen or missing and when he finally took a breath out in relief, the rhino said.

"So that'll be hundred for bringing it in."

Pete's eyes broke open in horror. He couldn't afford that! He quickly jumped out of the van and looked at the rhino in panic, saying.

"One hundred?! But it was stolen? Where is she?! She owes me an explanation!"

"Sorry, I just do the towing." The rhino said back bored, his voice gruff and he spit on the ground with a sneer. Pete moved back from him in a few steps, disgusted.

"Well, why SO much! I've seen things been towed from all over town and it's never been more than seventy!"

"Yours was all the way outside of town. Beside the chasm outside the mountain forest district."

"What...?" Pete said in disbelief. He put his paw up to his chin, thinking this over quickly. He took steps back and forth, wondering why in the heck would Judy Hopps go out that far? What was she doing on the side of highway near the cliffs? It just seemed very suss.

It was sunny that morning, hot too, in the part of town Pete was. The impound lot was dusty with shrubs popping up now and then, as it was situated in the wild west terrain.

Finally Pete glared up at the rhino, a bit too brave for such a little rabbit and demanded.

"Judy Hopps wasn't seen with it? Does no one care that a police officer is acting so damn bizarre!?"

"Look." The rhino only uttered with a sigh, he was getting tired now from this bunny's questions he honestly didn't give a damn about. "Take it up with the police. Now are you gonna pick it up or not? Each day it's in here costs another twenty."

Pete growled under his breath furiously and took out his wallet. He handed the rhino the money, the big guy just counting it slowly with his bulky grey fingers. Pete tapped his foot impatiently for the rhino to be done and when the tow truck driver was finished his estimation of the money, he did a big grin down at the bunny.

"Nice doing business with ya."

"Yeah." Pete said bitterly, and jumped into his van, getting the gears in check. He waited there frustrated as he couldn't find any keys but the rhino bent down and handed it to him with a grin.

"You'll need these."

"Geeze... thanks..." Pete said quietly, and took them with a snap of his paw. He turned on the van's ignition but blinked, just as he was about to drive off, realizing something.

He shouted up from his van, to the rhino.

"Where were the keys?"

"They were found in the key hole for the ignition, why?"

Pete quickly analysed this with his bunny brain, and knew something was up no matter how much everyone's nonchalantness to the problem seemed.

He pressed his foot hard down on the accelerator and drove out of the impound lot onto a highway just outside the city.

He was going to check out those cliffs and chasm... he was going to get some answers from the one animal that he knew he would.

Judy Hopps.

It's Just Biology, Baby - A Zootopia FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon