Chapter 11

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Judy's head leant up against the wall. She had fallen asleep once more, time slipping by quickly and when she opened her eyes again, it was because of a white light piercing into them.

"W-who's there...?" she moaned sleepily. She was too hungry to get up, too tired from her sudden awakening to do anything.

She saw a shadowy figure approach her and she rubbed her eyes, finally standing up about to run away, but dropped to the ground from hunger and heard the voice of the figure say.

"Judy... one such as yourself... should eat."

Walter Alpha.

And that food he promised... probably poison.

She glared up at him from her fallen position. But felt her stomach cramping. She looked at the beds in the darkness, and how the white light was coming from an open door.

She had to give up. She would die if she didn't eat soon.

"Fine..." she hissed.


They sat in a cold desolating room, a place Judy hated as much as the rest of the house. She eyed her food on the table. She didn't trust it, but she felt like crying from her starving body.

Walter stood over her, waiting for her to eat... but she said.

"You try it first..."

"Very well... you rabbits are all the same." He said to himself as he took a bite of the large sandwich and placed it back on the plate. "Jumpy over everything."

"Is that meant to be a joke...?" Judy said in a weak voice and watched as he sat down just away from her, confident that she couldn't escape even with her weak body.

She sighed, and picked up one of the big slices. She took a bite... it was chutney and cheese in-between the bread.

"Tell me..." she said, after she swallowed a few bites. Walter was drinking from a mug, what looked like a hot beverage by the steam rising out of it. "Why did you do all this...?"

"You know... you remind me of her." Walter said, not really listening and Judy looked at him, confused. Walter looked up at her again, away from his cup, and continued with a bare whiff of a smile. "My wife..."

"She wanted children... but she couldn't bear. So I gave her them my way, with science and our genes."

Judy shook her head in horror, but took another bite out of her sandwich... needing to eat.

"But why the apes?" She asked, swallowing again, her paws shaking as they held the slice. Walter huffed a weak laugh, and looked at her.

"Well... my children... each generation I created... became more dependent. I needed someone to take care of them when I was gone. The apes were just a lucky coincident... finding them sleepwalking near the chasm. But they wouldn't look after them... they were... selfish."

"They had FAMILIES!" Judy screamed at him and he sighed.

"I couldn't let them go... them knowing what they knew... so I broke down their genetics... and harvested them to create a creature that would care. I called it Man."

Walter looked at Judy with a kind smile, though sadness was still hidden in it.

"Dog's best friend."

"Urgh..." Judy felt slip out of her mouth. Yet in a sick twisted way... she felt she understood his logic. Which scared her even more.

"There's no need to be afraid of them." Walter continued, sipping his tea, and Judy moved onto her second slice reluctantly.

"They are only children at the moment."

"But, Walter..." Judy begged almost, looking at him as she placed the slice down again and slammed her paws to the table in desperation. "Look how your own 'children' turned out! They kill without second thought!"

"How could I ever expect you to understand..." Walter said back sadly, and looked to the picture on the wall. Judy looked to it too, seeing a young female wolf in it.

"You're just like her, you know..." He said quietly and Judy turned her eyes cautiously back to him.

What did he mean by those statements... where was she now anyway?

"She just didn't know how to handle our children properly..."

Judy's eyes opened wide, her mouth dropping in a gasp. She looked back at Walter, as he sipped his beverage, solemnly.

Had his wife been... killed...?

It's Just Biology, Baby - A Zootopia FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ